To all you great Mother's out there, Happy Mother's Day!
I am embarrassed I have not had time to post on this blog at all in the last month. It has been crazy busy now and I have been trying to keep my other 2 blogs current. Larson has finished soccer and has started t-ball. Raisa is gearing up for swimming and graduating from Holy Name and (gasp!) getting ready to start Junior High! I can't believe it! Where did my baby girl in pigtail and braids go??? Larson will be graduating from Kindergarten next week.
Next week is also Raisa's birthday. We took her and 2 of her best friends to Tulsa and we stayed at the Radisson that has "Leapin' Louie's Lagoon" in it. They had a blast. Then, we took them ice skating Saturday with lunch at Joe's Crab Shack and then shopping. (Oh, and a trip to Maggie Moos Friday night, how could I forget that!)
Kevin is happy it is warming up for some golf! He plays in the mens league at the Country Club and we will do couples golf on Fridays when we have the chance. That is always fun! That's it for now. Everything has been going real well!!