Well, we made it back from Houston. Same thing as last time (the first part of April), we are waiting on the CAT scans, but bone scan was clean and all bloodwook is fine! We aren't expecting anyting unusual to come up in the CAT scan.
I think the Doctor was more concerned with my finger. I had a run in with a firework on the 4th of July. Spent 2 1/2 hours in the ER. I thought it was broken, along with a BAD burn, right through the skin and muscle. They xrayed it and said it wasn't broken. Not much to do with the burn right now except keep Silvadine(?) on it and wait and see.
Well, that was on the 4th. Today, ONE WEEEK LATER!!! I got a call from the Doctor who was on staff in the ER that day. HMMMMMM....it seems my finger IS broken! Geezzzz, it was only an xray of the hand they had to look at. I am really getting fed up with this hospital! I don't think think they have EVER read an xray, ultrasound, mammogram, ct scan correct of mine. Bad luck, or bad hospital???
Any which way, our trip to MD Anderson went well again and that is the main thing!