OMGosh! These are the BEST things EVER! And so easy!
Take one cake mix-any flavor and make according to directions. When cake is done, crumble up (I used a food processor).
Take one can of frosting-any flavor and mix in with the crumbled cake. Form into balls. Dip into melted almond bark. ENJOY!!
So far, my favorites have been chocolate cake with chocolate almond frosting (with added almond extract to the frosting!) dipped in chocolate almond bark and red velvet cake with buttercream icing dipped in white almond bark. Tonight, I am making cherry chip cake with cherry icing dipped in chocolate. I also made yellow cake with chocolate icing (a personal family favorite flavor).
You can make it up with any combo that you like!
They are little bits of heaven and worth every pound you will put on eating them haha!