Thursday, September 28, 2006

Still waiting!

Still waiting on our call for our appointment day from M.D. Anderson. Just to keep everyone updated, last week I had a CT scan of the abdomen and all organs (lungs, liver, etc.) look good and my bloodwork is looking good. I had a bone scan Tuesday that came back not so great. There was an area on my skull that they needed more scans of so I went back in today for a CT scan of the head. It came back showing an area of "caution, but not conern" for right now. So that to me was good news! I do have to go have another biopsy done tomorrow morning. M.D. Anderson called and requested another one done that will be more specific as to the the type of cancer we are dealing with. So, once that gets done, they will pair me with a Doctor that is specialized in that particular cancer. We are really hoping to be able to go next week. It is hard sitting here feeling like I am not fighting it yet! I am ready.

What Cancer Cannot Do

Cancer is so limited.
It cannot cripple love.
It cannot shatter hope.
It cannot erode faith.
It cannot destroy peace.
It cannot silence courage.
It cannot suppress memories
It cannot kill friendship
It cannot erode the spirit.
It cannot conquer the soul.

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