I am real sorry I haven't posted too much lately! It has just been so busy! I have been feeling alright, just real tired, yet not sleeping well at night, from this new chemo. Last week was my week off, so today started a new 3 week on period. Then I will have another week off, then the next week we will head back to Houston for new scans. I will have my tumor markers drawn next week, so we can see how much more they have dropped!
What I have I been busy doing? Well, this week, I photographed 85 kids, 1 mayor, 1 baby and will finish up with 20 First Communicants! Whew! I still managed to make it to one of my Yoga classes, have chemo, go to bible study and only take one day off of daycare! See, not much time left to post on the blog lol!
I don't know about all of you, but I am ready for this cold weather to move on! I want some warm sunshine. I am ready to take the daycare kids outside more. I think they are all getting a bit of cabin fever. Larson is looking foreward to playing teeball this year. He is quite a ball player if I may say so! He is also great at golf, basketball and soccer. He has made it out to the Country Club a couple of times with Kevin to golf. He will play all 18 holes and be ready for more! Raisa is gearing up for swimming. I am going to enroll her in the fitness club through CRC so she can use the high school pool in the evening to start getting back in shape. I usually do it with her, but will have to pass on it this year. Swim practices will start at the end of May. Larson will be doing swim lessons this year through the red cross. He is excited about that.
You all take care and pray for some warmer weather! I am so done with winter!