Friday, April 20, 2007

Double Digits!!

My tumor markers are still in double digits! They dropped from 96 down to 85 this week. I still have to get them down to 35, but they are headed there!! 5 of 12 Abraxane treatments down. I will be headed back to MDA in a few weeks. I will be having some genetic testing done to see if I carry the breast cancer gene---BRCA1 and BRCA2. I don't think, for me, it will matter now. I just need to know because I do have a daughter and if I carry the gene, she may also. I thought breast cancer was more heriditary then it is. Only 15% of breast cancers are heridtary. 85% of women just get it. Only 10% of breast cancers are lobular carcinomas like what I have. They tend to be more aggressive and diagnosed at a later stage due to the fact that this cancer grows in "sheets" or "layers" and will present more as a thickening of tissue than an actual lump. That is why they are hard to pick up on mammograms. Like I have stated earlier, I had 2 mammograms in 2005 that did not pick this up. That, coupled with my younger age to get breast cancer, I have been in alot of the minority so far.

You all have a great weekend! Don't forget about the Holy Name School carnival tonight!!


Anonymous said...

Kasey, That is great news yet again. I am so very proud of you for the way you are handling all this. I miss you lots. Love Mom.

Anonymous said...

Kasey,...such GREAT news!!
God chose well when He chose you as His messenger for this journey in life. The challenge was placed before you..the requirements have not been daunted: you deftly grabbed the baton & have literally " chased the wind "..pushing clouds of doubt & fear behind you. Running on wings of faith you have gathered breaths of knowledge to support yourself and to share with many. The seeds of faith and grace that you are dropping along your path are sprouting & blooming into footprint-gardens of enlightenment as a visable sign of belief..& action!
I am in awe of your grace & tenacity...humbled by your faith.
God is running this race "with" you...not just "beside" you.
