Friday, November 23, 2007

Christmas Photos????

So, I take the kids out to try and get their Christmas photos---what a chore lol! This photo about sums it up!! (And those who know my kids will so get this!!! My kids are like night and day lol!)

Larson, trying his BEST to look so nice (ok, trying a bit too hard!) and Raisa, who could care less, trying to figure out WHY Larson would be trying so hard HA! One aims to please, the other, WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.......

Alright, in all fairness, they did take some good individual photos! That above photo just CRACKS ME UP! I am seriously considering getting it in about a 20x24 to put on my wall! Shoot, who needs all perfectly posed photos---we know that is so not them together haha!
Here are a couple of their individual photos:

Here is a collage with both of them---see, no posed photo with these two! I guess that's what I get for wanting a nice, posed photo with both of them looking at me and smiling and pretending like they are so happy and loving and just the perfect kids! I guess they are the perfect kids, in their own ways!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Larson and Raisa. The best part is that was what they were like at that moment in time. Those are the moments we want to capture and be able to remember how they actually were. I can't believe how old Raisa looks! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving holiday!