Wednesday, October 08, 2008

We are home!

Man, I hate going down there every 3 months lol!
We got all the scan reports back. All looked great (bone scan, xray and ct), but I need to have an ultrasound of the thyroid. Don't know what is up with that, but it is most likely nothing, as the overall results from the CAT scan were great and "nothing new". Tumor markers are up slightly, but again, nothing to really worry about. They tend to fluctuate a bit. The CTC (Circulating Tumor Cells) test from July were ZERO! We won't have the one from today for a couple weeks. We also do not have the bone marrow biopsy back yet. I had that done on Monday and all went well with it. I hope to have that report back next week. All bloodwork is looking great! I started up with my re-immunizations too. I realized I had LIED to my kids lol! THEY DO HURT!
We were able to rent a car on Tuesday and drove down to Galveston. They have alot to clean up there, but I'll bet they will for the most part, be back to normal in a year or two. Sadly, my favorite "Joe's Crab Shack" took a real beating! I guess after seeing Coffeyville last year, this wasn't as shocking to see as I thought it would be. I took a few photos and will try and get some posted as soon as I get a chance.
That's it for now! Off to spend some time with my kiddos!

ETA------I just got this email!

Hello Kasey,

Your Bone marrow biopsy was Negative for any disease. Good news!

Thank you,

Tobi Fisher, MPAS, PA-C
Drs. Champlin and Ueno
Department of Stem Cell Transplantation & Cellular Therapy
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

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