Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy New Year!

I am glad to be starting a fresh, new year.
We head back to Houston around the last week in January (the 24th). I have my 1 year, 3 month scans. I will also go into surgery and have a port placed. My doctor finally agreed. I am just getting tired of them trying to access a vein with no success here at crmc.

But after all that "fun" is over, I am going to get some "me" time with a bunch of area photographers for a fun filled weekend of shooting, playing and sharing at Big Cedar in Branson in February. I am really looking foreward to that. We have several of their cabins reserved. I have never stayed at Big Cedar before, but I hear it is beautiful!

In February, Kevin, the kids and I are going to see Brian Regan in concert. He has got to be the most hilarious comedian of all time!
You can check him out here:

Then, in March for Spring break, I am taking the kids to California to visit with my family. We have several things planned to do there, like go the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles.

So, lots to look foreward to in 2009!
I want to wish everyone a happy, healthy and safe new year!

1 comment:

Dad said...

I'm counting down the days, can't hardly wait.