Sunday, September 20, 2009

Scanorama Time

The months, although they are longer in between scans, seem so much shorter. Next Sunday, we go back to Houston for my TWO year post stem cell transplant scans. Luckily, I have lots of work to keep me busy this week. I hate the week before scans. Very nerve wracking. After this visit, my scans will be every 6 months. It will be nice to have a longer interval without thinking about them.
Please keep us in your prayers next week! Thanks!! :)


Unknown said...

Great photos, Kasey ! ! !

Sooo glad we were able to meet in person !

------Pauline and Carlee------

Kasey said...

Thanks, Carlee!
Hopefully, we will be able to meet up again sometime in Houston! I sent your mom an email the other day after she emailed me. I tried to get ahold of Lisa, but have not had any reply.
Keeping you in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

Kasey, I love the pictures. miss you and love you. Hope I get a copy of them. Love MOM