Thursday, February 25, 2010

Houston.......have you missed me??

Because I have not missed you!

Six months went WAY too fast. We head back to M.D. Anderson Monday. I will have all my scans Tuesday and meet with my Stem Cell doctor Wednesday. Have I mentioned before I hate scan time??? Really hate scan time. REALLY REALLY REALLY hate scan time!

I always try to stay busy right before scan time, to keep my mind off of it. Tonight, Kevin and I are going to the Elton John / Billy Joel concert in OKC. I love seeing Elton in concert. This will make my 4th time seeing him, but my first for Billy Joel! I have some portrait sessions this weekend to keep me busy too.
Larson started piano lessons last month--he's doing great! He has a little hidden talent there! His favorite song so far is Beethoven 9th Symphony "Ode to Joy". I have been taking violin lessons down in Dewey and they have been going great too. I have been working on Bach's "Brandenburg Concerto No. 5" right now. Ya, our house sounds pretty interesting when we are praticing LOL!
Raisa has finished up cheerleading for the year and will get ready for high school tyouts soon. She stays pretty busy with her friends and omg, you would have thought the world was ending when her phone quit working hahaha! She had to go without it for a few LOOONG days (an impossible feat for a teenager!), but now she has a new one and all is well in her world.

I will post again next week when we get back from Houston. Prayers are surely welcomed!


Unknown said...

I know what you mean about scans. Mine involve drinking the barium and getting iodine through an IV. Prep time is almost 2 hours and it makes me feel bad enough to ruin the rest of the day. Then there is that bit of worry that creeps in ....

Dad said...

I'll be waiting for the good news.