Friday, February 09, 2007

~Happy Valentine's Day~

The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or even touched~
They must be felt with the heart!
--Helen Keller

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

and Happy Valentines day to you, Kevin, Raisa and Larson and to all the great people who comment on or just read this blog.
I would like to thank and send my love to all the people who sent their prayers and thoughts my way during my recent medical problems. I'm about 90% back now and feeling great.
Like they say--It takes a village.
Love as always, Dad

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family!! Happy St. Valentine's Day to you and your family. It makes my heart joyous to see you so healthy and happy. You continue to inspire me in so many ways!

Anonymous said...

Happy V-Day! Hope you guys have a great one, you deserve it. Love the Valentines, btw ;). I can't believe it's already almost Valentine's Day. This year is just flying by. If you guys need anything, you have my number.
Love ya,
Britt =)