Saturday, February 03, 2007

More good news!!!!!

We got more good news from our Oncologist yesterday! After meeting with the transplant Doctor (Dr. Ueno----pronounced Way-No) he wanted to have my mri and cat scans that were inconclusive from 3 weeks ago reread. They had the best of the best Radiologist there look at them and compare and he said it is all activity from HEALING! YAAA! My oncologist has never seen a case of mixed resposne with chemo like this, where tumor markers are going down and tumor is decreasing (BY 94%!) but other areas showing no improvement. Now we know WHY! It's all just healing, but still showing up (or flaring) on mri and ct scans. I am so relieved!
I will have my last FAC chemo on February 24, then we will be reacanned on March 16 and I will start my first infusion fo Taxol (a taxane). I will have Taxol weekly for 12 weeks. I am going to check into having those done here (as scared as I am about that!). I just don't want to make weekly trips to Houston. To much for me!
I am expected to fly through the Taxol also, since my Dr. called me the "poster child for chemo!" I am glad I was able to tolorate it so well! I think it was because I KNEW I would!!! The mind is truly a powerful thing! That reminds me! A friend of mine (thanks Carrie!!) lent me a dvd called "The Secret". Very good show! It basically teaches you mind over matter---quantom physics. I have alway been a been a very driven person and ususlly get what I want. Now I understand why. Have that faith and belief that what you want, you can have!
Take care!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kasey,
Such good news!
God is using your faith & belief as guiding tools:
"My oncologist has never seen a case of mixed resposne with chemo like this..."..(And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not;I will lead them in the paths that they have not known..I will make darkness light before them & crooked things straight....Isaiah 42:16)

Your marker of faith was spoken of in..Mark 9:23..." Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth."

Continue on in faith..continue removing pebbles from the pathway for others to follow.

Your faith is the shield you carry..and the prayers of many help light your way.


Anonymous said...

Awesome and wonderful news Kasey! You never cease to amaze me! I love the way you look at things and just know that it is another step to your healing. You are my inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Dear Kasey...Just checking in on you. You are amazing...your attitude has been so positive. You are a Fighter!!! Still keeping you in my thoughts as you continue to heal.
Love, Mona Gayle