Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Happy Cancerversary to me

Today marks my 1 year "cancerversary". A year ago today, I heard the 3 dreaded words "You have cancer." Funny how 3 words can change your life.

I had to have more cells collected today. They need 5 million stem cells, and yesterday only got 1.5 million. I will probably need to have them collected tomorrow also. They said it usually takes 3-4 days.

Last night Kevin and I picked up my friend Terri, her husband Benny and her mother at MD Anderson after she had an MRI and CT scan of the brain. We met them at the hospital today after I was done and she met with her oncologist. She was very upset and found out the tumor in her brain had grown some. They are going to stop the chemo she was taking and start radiation. We drove them to the coast at Galveston today to walk on the beach and just get away for a few hours. PLEASE keep them, as well as their 10 year old son, Jaycee, in your prayers.



Anonymous said...

Good Morning Kasey!

Love, Mona Gayle

Anonymous said...

I wish this was one anniversary you never had to acknowledge! Larson is quite the soccer player, I can just imagine the excitement in his voice when he tells you about his games! Halle misses you!
We're including your friend in our prayers.
Love and hugs,

Kasey said...

Thanks Mona Gayle! Your posts always make me smile!

Larson is really enjoying playing soccer! I hear Halle is playing also. Too bad they weren't put on the same team. I hope we make it back to see at least one!
Tell Halle I miss her too, but we will be back soon!