Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sept. 12th

What a busy day it was today! We saw lots of Doctors and signed lots of papers. We also got the results of the bone marrow biopsy. It is still picking up some cancer in the marrow, but, about 30% of women with breast cancer will have it in their marrow. It is just never tested on most. It it usually just a sign that the cancer may spread. It is not life threatening by having it in the marrow. I asked if a woman with Stage 1 or 2 cancer found it in their marrow if it would make them stage 4? They said no, it would just mean it may have the ability to spread and may be more aggressive. So, with this high dose chemo, we are wiping out my marrow. I will even have to be re-immunized!

Today, we were educated about the Neupogen shots I will be taking (well, that Kevin will be giving me!!!). I start those Friday morning and will get them twice a day in the arm or leg. They will stimulate my body to produce more stem cells. I go in to the lab Sunday and they will start checking my blood. Hopefully, Monday or Tuesday we will have enough. Then, I will start the process of "Apheresis" where I will be hooked up to a machine for 4-6 hours a day. This could take anywhere from 3-6 days (until they have collected enough stem cells).

Then, the fun REALLY begins! At this time, I will start the high dose chemo. Me and my dumb questions today, I actually asked how high dose! The answer, 10X stronger than any chemo I have been on! 10 times!!!!!!!!!!! For about 4 solid, straight days!!! One day I will learn when to keep my mouth shut haha!

Tomorrow, I have surgery at 7:30 a.m. to remove my port and replace it with a central line. I will get to have the central line taken out in about 5-6 weeks (before we come back home). I asked if I will get my port put back in? He looked at me and was like "WHY!!" See, I am going through all of this so I don't NEED any more chemo, duh! I am seeing the light at the end of this tunnel.

We also meet back with the genetic counselor tomorrow. Insurance said they won't pay for the genetic test (brca1 and brca 2)---surprise. I am sure it will be appealed. We won't do the test until we have approval.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to come back this weekend. None of the doctors want me to leave and that is why we are here. So, please help me keep up with Coffeyville by email and phone calls!

Also, send a few prayers for LOTS of stem cells this weekend! Oh, and that we make it through this tropical storm just fine lol!


Anonymous said...

Kasey...I just want you to know that I am thinking of you so much and you are so brave!

Love, Mona Gayle

Kasey said...

Mona Gayle,
Thanks so much for the kind words! I still about that sweet Daric saying a prayer for me!! You and your family are just SO wonderful!