Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Back from Houston

What a busy last few days we have had.
First the good news! My scans have still came back clear (well, the bone scan, we are stil waiting to hear about the ct, but I am sure it will be fine as usual as the tumor markers have remained the same).
I got to meet some lovely, GREAT, women while I was there who are going through the same trial I am in (remember, I am patient #1, or NUMERO UNO I would like to be referred to as in this trial lol!)
I met patient #3 (well, our husbands met first as we were both having scans at the same time). We went out for a nice dinner together at Pappadoux Seafood Restrauant. We spent about 3 hours there just talking. She has 4 CUTE kids ranging in age from 4-18.
I met patient #7 (or 8??) who is in the hospital now. I got to spend an hour talking with her. She is the exact same age as I am.
I met patient #9 for breakfast this morning (well, they were running a tad behind, so we actually ate while waiting hehe!) She is getting ready to be admitted tonight or tomorrow to the hospital to start her transplant.
AMAZING women!!! I am so happy to have had the chance to meet with them.

Now, for some not so great news. My friend, Terri Hill, just happened to have her follow up scans down there at the same time I was down there (she is my friend with the brain tumor). She flew down there with her husband and son, Jacie. This was Jacie's first trip down there. He wanted to see where Mom goes to the Doctor at. Well, she went in for her MRI yesterday and started to have a seizure. Then another, then another. One right after the other. They had to intubate and sedate her. We met up with her husband and son early yesterday evening. We took Jacie with us at that time (what a sweet kid he is! He even sat through the 3 hour dinner at Pappadoux's without complaining!) He stayed with us at our hotel last night. We took him to go see his Mom and Dad today. Terri was still intubated. I think it was pretty upsetting for him to see his Mom like that. He just wanted to come home, so we brought him home with us on our flight home tonight and took him to his Grandma's house. Please keep them all in your prayers. I hate to see them have to go through this.

So, we had a pretty busy last few days! I am just so THANKFUL to God right now for my clean scans. I don't have to go back for 3 more months. I hope to spend most of that time not even thinking about cancer. It has consumed too much of my life the last year and half as it is.

Time to get back to living!



Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the clean bone scan! What a great experience and inspiration for those ladies to meet and see Numero Uno! I'm sure you made a tremendous impact on their lives, just like you have so many others. I must say, God had you there, this week for a reason. I'm sure Terri and her husband were grateful you were there for their son and we will continue to keep them in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Kasey...glad that you are home! Just wanted to check on your report. I'll be thinking of your friend too.

Love, Mona Gayle