Friday, April 11, 2008

Economic Stimulus Program????

(Email from my DH!)

Just to let you know, Kasey…

I feel it is my duty as an American citizen to invest our stimulus rebate from the government of the United States into the economy as soon as possible.

I am only doing this in hopes of steering this “recession” away from a possible “depression”.

So, being the upstanding citizen that I am, I have chosen to make a donation to the used recreational vehicle peddlers.

No, no….don’t applaud me just yet. It gets even better…In return, we will be receiving this great token of his appreciation!!!

(see attached photo)

How can anyone not love this country!!!!!!! Together we can all do it…and this is my part.

Aren’t you just proud to be an American??? (Can you hear that song in the background?...I can!!)

(OK…you can applaud your patriotic husband now)

HAHA! Can you tell this has been a hot topic with us lol!
Him: I want a new golf cart
Me: You have a golf cart
Him: But I want new one
Me: You don't need a new one, the one you have is fine
Him: But it doen't have this....and that....blah blah
Me: It doesn't need this and that blah blah BLAH

Well, I guess I lost this one LOLOL!
I guess I better find out what I can do to stimulate the economy.........hmmm........a cruise is looking pretty good......

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