Saturday, December 22, 2007

Friday, December 21, 2007


RIP 'ol red! They finally totaled it out yesterday. Kevin went today and removed the all weather mats and the cordless headphones for the rear seat audio.

On the bright side though, we have found a new one! Same Salsa Red Pearl color too! It is in Lawrence, so we will be going up there next week after Christmas to pick it up. It will have more options than my old one too---navigation, moonroof, dvd, heated leather seats, etc. I will post a photo of my new one when we get it.
Just had to post the last photos of my van. I am still so thankful we all walked away from this without even a scratch on us. Thank God!

Friday, December 14, 2007


Here is a great blog for some new recipes! I love the step by step photos! Those muffins on the first page look DELISH! I may have to try those!

I finally took some photos of our Christmas trees, nothing to spectacular, but thought I would share!

Our main tree, in the living room:

Dining room tree:

Larson's tree:

And, Raisa's tree:

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

~Nutcracker Parade~

What do I see when I walk into the family room? Why a nutcracker parade put on by my very own Larson! Lol, just had to share!
All is still good here! My bloodwork continues to rise and looks good. I am feeling great. I think I am ready to get back to WORK!!! So, for those of you on my list, I am going to start taking appointments after the first of the year! YA! I go back to Houston January 7-9 for scans. I will start sessions after that. I will only take a limited amount of appointments, as I cannot get stressed right now.

For those of you wondering where my van has been, it is sitting in the Toyota Collision Repair Center in Tulsa. Kevin and I were in a pretty good wreck down in Tulsa last week. Thank God for airbags and seatbelts (and some guardian angels!!). It was hard seeing my van all crushed up. I loved that van! I custom ordered it! Now, I have to find a new one, and you can bet it will look just like my other one! We will have to drive a bit to get one (Kansas City maybe?), but I will find just what I want. I am just glad everyone was alright and the kids were not with us. The driver of the other car was taken to the hospital, but was released that night and is ok.

That's all that's new here! I hope all of you are doing well and getting to enjoy the Christmas Season!


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

MRI result

I have known the results of this for almost a week, but did not have the actual report in my hands, so I didn't want to post yet.

Today, we saw the Doctor here and I got a copy of it. I am just so thrilled and happy I cannot describe it. Under the "Impression" it had 2 words----NORMAL EXAM. Everything in it was Normal, Normal, Normal. That's it!

Life is good!


Friday, November 23, 2007

Christmas Photos????

So, I take the kids out to try and get their Christmas photos---what a chore lol! This photo about sums it up!! (And those who know my kids will so get this!!! My kids are like night and day lol!)

Larson, trying his BEST to look so nice (ok, trying a bit too hard!) and Raisa, who could care less, trying to figure out WHY Larson would be trying so hard HA! One aims to please, the other, WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.......

Alright, in all fairness, they did take some good individual photos! That above photo just CRACKS ME UP! I am seriously considering getting it in about a 20x24 to put on my wall! Shoot, who needs all perfectly posed photos---we know that is so not them together haha!
Here are a couple of their individual photos:

Here is a collage with both of them---see, no posed photo with these two! I guess that's what I get for wanting a nice, posed photo with both of them looking at me and smiling and pretending like they are so happy and loving and just the perfect kids! I guess they are the perfect kids, in their own ways!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday, November 19

I know, I know, I am sorry for not updating sooner, but remember, no news is good news! We have been home for a week now and have been enjoying every minute of it! I did come down with a cold and had to be put back on my Neupegen shots (the one in the stomach), but nothing serious came of it and it is gone now. I had the MRI on Saturday, so that's done. I will know the results later this week. Medically, that's about it. I am doing really well. The fatigue is getting much better every day. I can drive now. I am just needing to advoid crowds, but I am able to go to Wal Mart when they aren't so busy. We went to the mall in Bartlesville last Friday. It is nice to get out.

I have been keeping busy making Christmas Ornaments. Here are a few that I have done:

The kids and I are going to make some dough ornaments and paint them today. We are turning what used to be the daycare tree in the dining room to their "homemade ornament tree". I am excited about Christmas, can ya tell??? I can't wait to do some more Christmas shopping. I am going to have to order online more this year than in the past (just to advoid those crowds!). If any of you are struggling for a gift for someone, check out this site---it is my new favorite! Be sure to check her archives, as there are MANY gift ideas there too (and if you check out her monthly freebies, there is a coupon to print out for a free shake at Arby's!) Here is the link: Enjoy!



Saturday, November 10, 2007

I take that back...THIS

IS WHAT I HAVE WAITED FOR................................

A personal call from from my stem cell Doctor on my cell on the way home yesterday, just to tell me how excited he was. He had just received a personal call from the radiologist who was reading all my scans I had Wed. and Thurs. (which they ususally don't do), but she was amazed. All my scans are 100% CLEAR!! My Doctor used the word "FANTASTIC!" like 4 times.


So, was the past 2 months worth it?? YOU BET!

We are home now, and will be until January. My Doctor is coordinating care with Coffeyville so I can have my blood counts monitored here. He is also going order an MRI of the pelvis. NOT because they found anything suspicious that needs further scanning, just thoe opposite (and I verified that with him several times!). My scans were SO good, they want to get a baseline MRI done now.

Just sharing my great news!

Thanks for reading it!


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

What I have waited for!

I got released from my Doctor today!!!!!

I have to have a PET scan tomorrow, but we are free to leave Houston after that. We have our apartment until Friday, so our plans are to leave Friday morning to head back to C'ville. We won't have to come back to Houston until January. I will have to have my bloodwork monitored in C'ville and my Doctor here in Houston will be working with the Doctor there so I can receive any medication or transfusions at home, if needed. I also still need to advoid big crowds and wear a mask if I am around too many people for a few more weeks, but that is a small price to pay for coming HOME!



Monday, November 05, 2007

Monday, Nov. 5th

We're back in Houston. We had a great weekend with the kids!!! And those of you we got to see, it was great to see you. We left C'ville a little after noon on Sunday, and we got to our apartment at a little past 11 pm. The drive was long, but went well.

The cast and crew of "The Sound of Music" did an outstanding job. Raisa enjoyed it so much. Thanks to Grandma, Grandpa, Brittany, and Kari Vannoster for making sure she was always at practice when she needed to be, and got home OK.

Larson won their soccer game Saturday. He played great!! Glad we got to see it.

Kasey's bloodwork today showed low hemoglobin (red cells), so we go back tonight at 6:30 for a blood transfusion. Other than that, all is good. Her nurse said she didn't see any reason for us to not go home this week.

Kasey will see Dr. Ueno on Wednesday, so we should know then for sure. (As in the words of our great leader: Dr Ueno is "the decider".)

Kasey doesn't have any appointments for Tuesday, so maybe we'll sleep in for a change!!

So, we'll post Wednesday what we find out!!


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wednesday, Oct. 31st

Happy Halloween!!!

Kasey got a Neupogen shot last night to boost her white count.

Her platelets are recovering on their own, but she's getting a dose of them as I type this...just to be safe. But the nurse has seen what she wanted to see...a trend upwards.

White count................................5.3 (up from 1.1)

Absolute Neutrophil count.......4.2 (up from 0.41)

Platelet count.............................13 (up from 11)

Chance of being home late, late tonight......100%



Monday, October 29, 2007

Monday, Oct. 29th

Platelet count today was 10...oops. But, Nurse Jill decided to wait until tomorrow to see what happens with the counts. If platelets go lower, Kasey will get platelets. If they stay the same or go up, she will probably wait one more day.

But, she says Kasey can more than likely come home for the weekend. She will load Kasey up on platelets before wo leave Houston. We will have to plane rides with low counts. So we should be back to see the play and the soccer game. We will probably drive home Thursday, and drive back to Houston on Sunday. We'll see how it all plays out.

Should know more tomorrow!!


Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sunday, Oct. 28th (Day +25)

Hello to everyone. Things are going good here...just ready to go home!!!

Kasey's APN said our best chance at coming home next weekend would be for Kasey's platelet counts to recover. Platelets are typically the last blood component to recover. So Kasey's job for the weekend was to make platelets.

Friday, the count was 14. Orders for the weekend were: if platelet count stayed above 10, she would not receive platelets via IV. If count was 10 or below, she would have to get them. If she has to get platelets, it stalls us for a few days because they can't really see what she is doing on her own.

Since nothing can be simple, here is another twist: When Kasey's white cells recover and begin producing on their own, this causes the platelet count to bottom out for 3 days.

Saturday, the platelet count dropped to 11. So she did not have to get platelets. We went back today (Sunday), and the counts were 11 again...praise God!! Tomorrow they will either be the same, or they will be higher. (Sorry for all the "counts" mumbo-jumbo... hope it's not confusing)

Kasey feels good, but gets tired so easily. It will probably take months to get all her strength back. She says hi to all of you, and thanks for all the prayers, thoughts, and comments.


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thursday, Oct. 25th

Kasey was released to go to the apartment yesterday!!! She was SO glad. She had an appointment with "Fast Track" this morning. Fast track is the outpatient system they have for daily blood tests.

She went in early for blood draws, and a couple hours later we met with a nurse practitioner. She went over the results with us. Her counts were looking OK. White cells are at 1.9 now. She wants Kasey to come back tomorrow for bloodwork again without giving her any whole blood or platelets. That way she can see exactly what Kasey's body is doing on its own.

Kasey feels good. She just gets tired really easy.

Thanks for checking on us, and hopefully tomorrow we will have an idea of what the next week will be like.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tuesday, Day +20

Hellllllllloooooooooo! I am finally feeling well enough to post (and put up with this hit and miss wi-fi). All is going as planned, just a bit slower than planned. I am waiting for my Doctor to come in today to see if we are still on for getting out tomorrow. I HOPE!! Tomorrow will be the 4 week mark for me being in the hospital. Blah. My white count is now up to 1.1 and my neutrophil absolute count (which is one the Doctor's like to watch) is at .74, which is good. There has been a definite upward trend. I received platelets yesterday and broke out in hives from that, but was fine after a dose of Benedryl.

The Doctor was just in........................I GET OUT TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YA!
I am so happy! Now, this just means I get released from the hospital, not from Houston. We will meet with my stem cell Doctor soon after release to discuss how many more weeks to stay in Houston. I am still going to do everything I can to get back in time for the play. I am still aprehensive about being around others, just due to germs. I am so ready to get back to Coffeyville. I am receiving blood right now, hopefully, this will be the last of that too!

I want to thank some of you for the great emails telling me about my kids! I hope you don't mind me sharing!
Here is one:
Kasey & Kevin,
I just had to share a "sweet moment" with you. After lunch at school the other day, Courtney was prayer leader. Her request for prayer was for "Kasey Hoggatt". I was standing at Larson and Kyle's table. I glanced Larson's direction to see his reaction and he caught my eye with the biggest grin on his face!

Thank you for the posts on my blog telling me about them too! I miss them!!!

Thanks it for now. I think I will order me some room service and start getting things ready to leave here tomorrow.


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday, Oct. 21st (Day +18)

White count at 0.5 (up from 0.4). Not much of a climb, but it is going the right way. Kasey is SO ready to get out of here!!! She's feeling good for the most part. She gets tired easily.

Most of all, she is worried about not getting back home in time to see "The Sound of Music", starring Miss Raisa Hoggatt. We also have not seen Larson play a soccer game yet (we hear he's pretty good). We are praying to get home by Nov. 3rd so we can see both. If Kasey ever goes AWOL, that will be the weekend it happens!!

eW yam evah ot kaens kcab taht dnekeew.


Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday Oct. 19th (Day +16)

Seems like day +942!!!

But, things are improving. Kasey's white counts are up to 0.4 (up from 0.2 the last two days). The pain in the abdomen is gone, the fever is gone, and she's on a soft food diet. The doctors are pleased, and said she may get out of here early next week.

Kasey is feeling and looking good. Yesterday her doctors cleared her to leave this floor, so we wandered around the hospital for awhile. Now that I know every square inch of this hospital, I had a few cool things to show her.

This hospital doesn't seem like a hospital at all. They offer valet parking. Patient and guest meals are are called "Room Service", and you order by phone anytime you want between 5:00 am - 9:30 pm. Meals are delivered by men in tuxedos.

The entire hospital is a Wi-Fi spot, but there are also areas that provide P.C.'s for patient and guest usage. One such place is called the "Cyber Center", with computers with internet access, printers, fax machines and copiers...just for patients and guests. You can also choose from about 1,000 movies (VHS or DVD) to borrow. (Patient rooms are equipped with VCR's or DVD players)

M.D. Anderson is comprised of two buildings, the "Main" building and the "Mays Clinic". They are about 3 city blocks apart, but are connected by climate-controlled overhead corridors. And if the walk is too far, they provide golf cart limos that will take you back and forth.

They have Chik-Fil-A and Starbucks, or at the cafeterias you can get BBQ, pizza, burgers and fries, soups and salads, sandwiches and sushi.

Well, we hope you all have a great weekend.

Thanks for all the support. Your thoughts, prayers and actions have made this part of Kasey's journey possible, through the grace of our Heavenly Father.


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wednesday, Oct. 17th (Day +14)

The day we have been waiting for. Kasey's white count went from 0.1 to o.2 (not a big move, but it moved)!!! The doctors say she looks great, and she has been placed on a clear liquids diet. They said not to expect big jumps in her counts. They will go up at their own pace.

She's tired today. Yesterday we walked altogether about an hour and 10 minutes...and she didn't walk like an old lady (no harm meant to any old ladies out!!

Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers.

Until next time...


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Post #2

It's me again. I forgot to mention one good thing----I am an Aunt again! Donnie and Emmalee had another baby girl! Her name is Alyssa Naomi. She joins big sister Audry at home.

Kevin and I walked around for awhile today and right now I am getting a blood transfusion. My spirits are up some from this morning. I think I will leave the posting to Kevin for a bit!

A post from Kasey--Day +13

Just call me frustrated. I wasn't going to post yet, because I can't think of too many happy thoughts right now. I am just getting so FRUSTRATED!!!!! I was sure my counts would to up today. Nope. They are still not coming back. I am getting tired. I have not been able to eat or drink ANYTHING for a week now. I am losing between 1/2-1 lb a day now. They won't start me on any IV nutrition yet because I guess that has other side effects they don't want me having right now. So, I look up at my bag of saline, and know that is what is keeping me alive right now. This high dose chemo ate up the entire lining of my digestive system from the esophogus, stomach, intestines and bowels. I think it will take me a long time to ever feel like I want to eat again (if the Doctors ever let me haha).
It looks like we will be in Houston longer than we had planned. I just don't see getting back during October. I have been getting so bored. My pain meds make me tired, so I sleep as much as I can. Kevin is here during the day and we go for walks and talk. My concentration isn't here enough to play cards yet. The nursing staff here is great. There is also a Euchristic Minister that comes around every few days. While I can't take communion right now (due to the no food in mouth orders from Dr.) they do sit and pray with me.
That's it from me now,
I think I will sign this post from,
Frustrusted Kasey

Monday, October 15, 2007

Monday, Oct. 15th (Day +12)

We just got back from a walk around the transplant floor. The blood test results today show no counts rising yet. This is frustrating for Kasey, but it is still nothing to worry about. Every person is different. Some people don't see increase until day 20 or 21.

The Lord has guided us to this point, and faith tells us to stay the course... keeping our eyes focused on Him.

We are blessed to have family and friends like all of you. Thank you.


Saturday, October 13, 2007

Saturday, Oct. 13th (Day +10)

The last couple of days have been OK for Kasey. The counts are still down, so send some prayers for them to start going up. She feels good, but still can't eat or drink yet. She is strong, and continues to get out and walk every day. She's getting tired of these long days in here.

I can't believe it's already the middle of October! It's still hot here in Houston.

Kasey says hi, and thanks for reading.


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

CT Scan Results (Day +7)

The CT scan report indicated an area of thickening in the bowel wall in one area. This is causing the pain. The team said this is another common side-effect of the chemo, and not to worry. They told her to not eat or drink for the next couple of days to keep the inflammation down. She is getting plenty through her IV. They want her to lay low and stay comfortable, and in a couple of days, her white counts will start to come up. When the counts start to go up, her body can begin to repair these irritated areas, and overall she will begin to feel better.

Kasey's fever spiked up last night to 104 degrees, but they quickly got it under control. She feels a little better today, just really tired. She asked the doctor when she can get out of here (and I immediately thought to myself: "That's my Kasey!!"). After the doctor chuckled a bit, he said to get through the next few days, then we can start thinking about that. He said she will be in here at least until early next week.

Kasey says hello to everyone, and thanks for the thoughts, prayers and posts.


Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Tuesday, Oct. 9th (Day +6)

Yesterday, Kasey got platelets and a blood transfusion. She also started having some pain in her lower abdomen. She had a small fever also. They watched her real close overnight. The fever went away, but the pain got a little worse.

Today started with a walk around her wing after breakfast. Her counts were still low, so she got another blood transfusion. (I always thought a blood transfusion was replacing all your blood, but it's just a pint of blood given through the IV.) Her fever came back early this afternoon, and the abdominal pain got worse. They put her on a high dose of antibiotics, and ordered a CT scan of the abdomen. They want to rule out apendicitis, blockage, or anything else it could be. Fevers are real common after blood transfusions. And the abdominal pain may be from an area of inflammation in her bowels. The chemo destroyed the protective coating from the mouth all the way through the digestive tract. She has a mouth sore, and it could be a similar sore somewhere down the line.

She had the CT scan around 7:00 pm, but we won't know results until sometime tomorrow. Kasey is really struggling right now. She is in a lot of pain, but refuses pain meds because they make her so sick. It's just like a vicious loop.

So for all of you praying for her out there, send all you've got. Also, leave a comment and I will read them to her. That will help cheer her up.



Sunday, October 07, 2007

Sunday, Oct. 7th (Day +4)

Hello to everyone. Sorry for the lag in posting. It's been real hard for Kasey the last couple of days. Her counts are still going down. The chemo side effects are still lingering. The doctors are watching closely as usual,and they say this is what is expected for getting such strong chemo. They are happy with what they see. She is such a trooper. I am so proud of her.


Friday, October 05, 2007

Friday, Oct. 5th (Day +2)

Things are going OK for Kasey. She gets tired easily, as her counts are slowly going down. But this is all expected, and everything is normal for being just two days after transplant.

She gets out of her room 2-3 times a day to go walking around her floor. When she leaves the room, she has to wear a gown, mask, and gloves. Whenever anyone enters her room, they must wear them also. Fortunately, I do not have to. (I am glad of that!!). I guess the husband gets special privileges.

Not much else to report, and at this point, no news is good news.

I do want to say hey to everyone at Magic.

Thanks for the continued thoughts and prayers.


Wednesday, October 03, 2007

"Day Zero" Wednesday, Oct. 3rd

Finally, the day we have waited for...Stem Cell Transplant Day

It only took about 20 minutes. The SCT team came in and hooked up the IV bag containing the stem cells. (113 cc's of the finest, cleanest, cancer-free stem cells you would ever see!!!) They went in just like all the other IV fluids. When it was empty, they flushed the bag a couple of times to be sure she got every single cell. Then they were finished. That is that!!!

Kasey is doing well. Most of the nausea is gone, and she's getting tired of laying around. They say it will take approximately a week for the transplanted cells to find their home in the bones and start making new blood. She will be in the hospital maybe up to a week after that. So roughly 2 weeks and we can get back to the apartment.

Kasey says hello to everyone.

Thanks for reading.


Monday, October 01, 2007

Monday, Oct.1st (Day -2)

This chemo has teeth!!!

Her last round of chemo was yesterday. She began to feel bad, well, soon after my last post on Saturday. The side-effects should subside by tomorrow evening. She just wants the next day or two to pass by quickly. She is still strong, and in good spirits.

Thanks for checking on us.


Saturday, September 29, 2007

Saturday, Sept. 29th (Day -4)

Kasey is doing well.

She's getting her 3rd dose of chemo now (and taking a little nap). She has experienced some nausea this morning, so they gave her a little extra medication . But we all know that even though this chemo is 10 times stronger than any she has had before, nothing is as powerful as the the Lord our God!! So we took a good dose of His medicine (the Word), as well.

Everything is still going as planned. Her bloodwork continues to be fine. I don't know how many times in the last month we have gone in to see a new doctor or nurse, and their eyes go back and forth between Kasey and I. Then they have to ask, "Which one is the patient?" When they find out, they always say, "Oh my gosh!!! You look fantastic!!!

Last Sunday, Kasey had to have blood tests after the week of stem cell collection. We watched a group of five or six different patients get told, "Well, your counts are down, so you need to come in for platelets, blood, etc." Kasey looked at me and said, "My counts are fine." And they were!

She did post that her platelets were a little low, but that wasn't the reason for not getting admitted on Monday. The doctor told me last Friday evening that after collection of the cells, the next step would be to go to SCT clinic for admission on Monday. Well, actually it was kind of a pre-admission, with the actual admission being on Wednesday. (Sometimes his English is hard to understand).

Actually, it gets kind of boring for us here, so give us a call sometime. They haven't said a word about having our cell phones in here. We use them quite a bit. I know Kasey would love to hear from all of you.

Thanks for the continued thoughts and prayers.


Thursday, September 27, 2007

In the hospital

We got checked in last night and they started the high dose chemo at 9:00 this morning. So far, all is going ok. I am a little dizzy with a headache, but that's it. Even that is not unbearable. The infusions will last about 5 hours. I only have to do 4 total of them, so I will only have 3 more to go after today! Today is what they are calling -6. I will have chemo on -6, -5, -4, and
-3. I rest on -2 and -1. Day 0, I get my stem cells back. I may be out by day +7.
I hope!

Monday, September 24, 2007


Well, we did not get admitted today. My platelets are a bit low (not so low I need a transfusion, but too low to start chemo). So, we will rest up today and tomorrow and check in Wednesday evening and they will start hydrating me with IV fluids and start the chemo flow first thing Thursday.
I did have my central line replaced today. The one I had was huge, like the size of a straw. They replaced it with one that is more the size of spaghetti noodle. This was the first procedure I had done while I was awake (and it wasn't near as bad as thought it would be!)
I probably won't post again until Wednesday night. We will let you know for sure that I was admitted!

Monday, September 24

HI! I just wanted to post a little before we head up to the hospital. Either Kevin or I will post later to keep you all informed. I am getting more nervous as the time draws closer. We went to listen to Joel Osteen Saturday night and he explained times like this real well. He used the analogy of a boxer. When a boxer is taken down in the ring, the referee counts: 1-2-3-all the way to 8-9-10--YOU'RE OUT! God counts the opposite: 3-2-1--time to GET UP. You may have been down, but now it is time to get up, brush yourself off and go on.
I see myself right now as getting up, during chemo I will brushing myself off, and then I will GO ON.
What an exciting thing, because God is so good! While I am a little nervous, I am not scared.

I also spoiled myself a bit this weekend. I got a pedicure, a manicure and my hair done. That was about all we did this weekend. The Doctor wanted me take it easy and just relax. We also went to the Catholic mass Sunday. It is a beautiful church.

A little humor:

The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note, and posted on the apple tray, "Take only one. God is watching."

Further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies. One child whispered to another, "Take all you want. God is watching the apples."

Kevin or I will post later to let you all know what happened today.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday, September 21

Today, I went in to have more stem cells collected. We are only at 3.2 million (needing to get to 5 mil.). They started me on a double dose of neupogen in the stomach. I was told we will need to pick up a new prescription for the neupogen and give me 2 shots in the morning and 2 in the evening and come back in and collect tomorrow also. I would need to stay on the shots until Monday when we hear if we got enough cells.
THEN, they all got together with my stem cell doctor and he said I AM DONE! YA! He said the goal was only 2 million, however, they like to have around 5 million. We are almost there and he would rather me stay off the shots this weekend and just relax, because we check into the hospital Monday and I need to be well rested and healthy.


It's time. Now, I just need to stay focused and not get too nervous!

So, I get to sit around and relax now all weekend. Kevin and I had been talking about what to do. We thought about going to see the Texans (they play right across the street from us), but all seats are sold out. Now, I think we will just run to Blockbuster and rent some movies. We have been playing LOTS of cards already!

We will keep this blog updated frequently next week. I don't know if I will be able to have the laptop in the room with me or not, but if I can't update, Kevin will.

Thanks again for all the great emails, calls and posts to this blog! You all really brighten my days!


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thursday, September 20

Still collecting stem cells. We will go back in the morning again and probably Saturday too. They have actually collected the 5 million, but they are filtering them down according to a new protocol to filter out any cancer cells. In the 80's and 90's quite a few stem cell/bone marrow transplants were done for breast cancer patients, however all data showed that they still recurred at the same rate as those not doing the high dose chemo. What they did not know was the marrow they gave back (if they were their own doner) had micro mets of cancer in them. So, while the chemo may have killed all the cancer cells in the body, they still had cancer cells in their blood after the transplant and therefore had a chance to recur. With me, they are filtering out all the bad cells and collecting what is called CD34 cells. Here is a page about it (if you want to get a headache lol!)

I am just thankful they have all this technology here!
Thanks for checking in on me!!!!

Here's a funny for ya!

I was shopping at the local supermarket where I selected:
A half-gallon of 2% milk, a carton of eggs, a quart of orange juice, a head of romaine lettuce, a 2 lb can of coffee, and a 1 lb package of bacon.
As I was unloading my items on the conveyor belt to check out, a drunk standing behind me watched as I placed the items in front of the cashier.
While the cashier was ringing up the purchases, the drunk calmly stated, "You must be single."
I was a bit startled by this proclamation, but I was intrigued by the derelict's intuition, since I was indeed single. I looked at the six items on the belt and saw nothing particularly unusual about my selections that could have tipped off the drunk to my marital status.

Curiosity getting the better of me, I said: "Well, you know what, you're absolutely right. But how on earth did you know that?"

The drunk replied, "Cause you're ugly man."

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Happy Cancerversary to me

Today marks my 1 year "cancerversary". A year ago today, I heard the 3 dreaded words "You have cancer." Funny how 3 words can change your life.

I had to have more cells collected today. They need 5 million stem cells, and yesterday only got 1.5 million. I will probably need to have them collected tomorrow also. They said it usually takes 3-4 days.

Last night Kevin and I picked up my friend Terri, her husband Benny and her mother at MD Anderson after she had an MRI and CT scan of the brain. We met them at the hospital today after I was done and she met with her oncologist. She was very upset and found out the tumor in her brain had grown some. They are going to stop the chemo she was taking and start radiation. We drove them to the coast at Galveston today to walk on the beach and just get away for a few hours. PLEASE keep them, as well as their 10 year old son, Jaycee, in your prayers.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tuesday, September 18

We got to collect stem cells today. Pretty uneventful procedure. We will know in the morning if they got enough or if we have to to it again. I still have to take the Neupogen shots tonight and in the morning. They are beginning to give me a headache and my bones ache a bit. That's it for now, nothing else new!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Monday, September 17

Well, no stem cell collecting today. I had my labs drawn at about 10:00 a.m. and they usually only take an hour. For some reason, it took longer (something about the protocol), so we didn't get the results until about 5:00 p.m. They need results by noon to start the collecting for the day.So, no collecting today. HOWEVER, the labs came back as good and I have enough stem cells!! SO, we go in at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning and start the collecting!
Please send prayers that we have a plentiful harvest tomorrow and we get enough stem cells!

I don't know how many of you caught the documentary on TLC, Crazy Sexy Cancer by Kris Carr, but I just wanted to shout out a big thank you to my Dad for getting me a personally autographed copy of her book! Thanks Dad!
Loves and hugs,

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunday, September 16th

Today I went in for a blood draw to see how I am handling the Neupogen shots. All looked good. Tomorrow they will check my stem cells and if I have enough, they will start collecting. According to the bloodwork, that is a good possibility. We won't know until we go in for the draw tomorrow at 12:30 p.m. Keep those prayers coming! The quicker I can get in, the quicker I can come home.
We found a new church for us while we are here in Houston. It is St. Vincent de Paul. Here is the website for those interested:
We are also going to go listen to Joel Osteen on Wednesday night. I catch his program in the morning on occassion and he is great to listen to. His curch is just about 10 miles from where we are.

My friend, Terri, is coming to Houston this week. It will be nice to see her. We are going to get together for dinner one night this week with her and her husband. She has an appointment at MDA on Wednesday. (I had posted about her in an earlier post). Keep the prayers up for for her please!
That's it for now. Not much else happening this weekend. We rented some movies, went to the movies, went shopping (OH wow, they have TONS of shopping centers here!)
I will keep you all updated as to when we start collecting cells!
Thank you for the nice emails making me laugh or just to say hi!

Friday, September 14, 2007


Week #2 down! Ya! I had surgery yesterday and they took out my port and put in a central line. Not sure why, but my shoulder has been really hurting. They have a pretty big line in right now, with 2 tubes hanging from it. I will get to replace it with a smaller one after they get my stem cells collected.
Kevin got to play nurse today and give me my first shot of neupogen! He did quite well. Just to give you all an idea of how expensive having cancer is, we will take shots for 3-5 days (twice a day) and the pharmacy bill was over $8,000. Thank God for insurance, as our part was only $30.00. I think by the time this is all said and done, our insurance company will probably be billed over a million dollars!! That is no exageration either.
Today, we didn't have any appointments at the hospital, but we were up there for a CVC (central line) care class. Kevin learned how to flush it with heparin twice a day. Like I said, he is doing great!
Tonight we rented a few movies and are staying in watching them. (Well, watching movies and eating a big 'ol bowl of ice cream!)
You all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sept. 12th

What a busy day it was today! We saw lots of Doctors and signed lots of papers. We also got the results of the bone marrow biopsy. It is still picking up some cancer in the marrow, but, about 30% of women with breast cancer will have it in their marrow. It is just never tested on most. It it usually just a sign that the cancer may spread. It is not life threatening by having it in the marrow. I asked if a woman with Stage 1 or 2 cancer found it in their marrow if it would make them stage 4? They said no, it would just mean it may have the ability to spread and may be more aggressive. So, with this high dose chemo, we are wiping out my marrow. I will even have to be re-immunized!

Today, we were educated about the Neupogen shots I will be taking (well, that Kevin will be giving me!!!). I start those Friday morning and will get them twice a day in the arm or leg. They will stimulate my body to produce more stem cells. I go in to the lab Sunday and they will start checking my blood. Hopefully, Monday or Tuesday we will have enough. Then, I will start the process of "Apheresis" where I will be hooked up to a machine for 4-6 hours a day. This could take anywhere from 3-6 days (until they have collected enough stem cells).

Then, the fun REALLY begins! At this time, I will start the high dose chemo. Me and my dumb questions today, I actually asked how high dose! The answer, 10X stronger than any chemo I have been on! 10 times!!!!!!!!!!! For about 4 solid, straight days!!! One day I will learn when to keep my mouth shut haha!

Tomorrow, I have surgery at 7:30 a.m. to remove my port and replace it with a central line. I will get to have the central line taken out in about 5-6 weeks (before we come back home). I asked if I will get my port put back in? He looked at me and was like "WHY!!" See, I am going through all of this so I don't NEED any more chemo, duh! I am seeing the light at the end of this tunnel.

We also meet back with the genetic counselor tomorrow. Insurance said they won't pay for the genetic test (brca1 and brca 2)---surprise. I am sure it will be appealed. We won't do the test until we have approval.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to come back this weekend. None of the doctors want me to leave and that is why we are here. So, please help me keep up with Coffeyville by email and phone calls!

Also, send a few prayers for LOTS of stem cells this weekend! Oh, and that we make it through this tropical storm just fine lol!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Bone Scan Results


There are NO foci of abnormal metabolic activity to suggest active cancer. The sites of presumed prior bony metastases again show NO definitive radiotracer uptake on this exam.



Just wanted to share more good news! I still do not have a copy of the bone marrow biopsy, but we visit with the doctor tomorrow and I will get it then.
I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, September 09, 2007

Photos~ Part Deux

Here are a few of Raisa. She did some boggie boarding also, but she was wearing a 2 piece, so I won't post those for obvious reasons. SO, here she is enjoying that great shrimp at Joe's Crab Shack. I think that girl could live on shrimp! They have the best food at Joe's! I got the Mahi Mahi and Calamari (can never pass that up there!).

Here are Raisa and Larson enjoying a nice cold snow cone after swimming.

And, here is a photo Larson REALLY wanted to take of Raisa and I at our apartment.

Like I said in the previous post, I have NO idea how these actually look! I will probaby be embarrassed when I actually see them on a calibrated monitor, but OH WELL! Enjoy!

Photos~Part 1

Disclaimer! These were uploaded to an uncalibrated moniter and I have NO idea how the color actually looks :).

Well, Larson found him a new sport this weekend---Body Surfing! He and Kevin bought Boogie Boards and had a blast in the ocean with them!

Here is Larson getting ready to take his board out for the umpteenth time LOL! And here is one where he is coming to shore after RIDING THE WAVE! Look out, Laird Hamilton!!!!!!!!!!
He is a true surfer dude now HAHA!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

PET scan results

Today, I was able to pick up the results of the PET scan I had done this week.

This test showed absolutely NO cancer activity ANYWHERE in my body.

We are still waiting on the results from the bone marrow biopsy and hopefully, we will have those before we see the Doctor again on Wedensday.

This just gets more interesting with every test!

Raisa and Larson got in Thursday night and we have been having fun with them. They were able to go to MDA to my appointments today to check it all out. Tomorrow, we are going down to Galveston (Raisa wants to eat at "Joe's Crab Shack"!) They have been swimming each night in the pool here at the appartment complex. It's a nice pool with palm trees all around it.
It will be sad to have to take them back to the airport Sunday.
That's it for now! It's like 12:30 a.m. right now and I better get some sleep!


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Sept. 5th, 2007

First day of testing and all went fairly well. I had a bone marrow biopsy first thing with sedation. That took only about an hour total. I was still a bit groggy from that while I headed off to my PET scan, where they give you a Zanax. So, I was a little loopy most of the afternnoon. We got home around 4:00 and I slept until 9:00. The worst thing about all of it today was before the PET scan the nurse blew a vien in my hand while accessing my IV. I don't know if any of you have ever had that happen before, but it hurts like a SOB! So, they had to pull that IV and start a new one on the opposite arm. That was my first experience with that. OOOWEEEE! I hope it is my last!
One a lighter (and so much bettter) note, we are flying Raisa and Larson here tomorrow night! I can't wait (Kevin either!)! They will stay through Sunday. It will be both of their first time flying solo. They have flown many times with us, just never alone. I am so excited to see them (and it hasn't even been a week yet!). We decided to do this because when we visited with the stem cell Doctor today, he didn't think it was a good idea for us to leave next weekend. I guess they are going to start the Neupegen (may be spelled wrong!) shots next week which will start to increase my stem cells and push them from the marrow into the blood. There are a few side effects from that that they want me here to be able to monitor me. If they wait until the following Monday, we may still be able to come home, but we won't know until next week when we see the Dr. again.
I was talking with the Doctor about the trial I am in. There are only 40 people that will be accepted into this trial. I am #1 to start. I was not aware of this before. There were 2 previous ones that were to start and I would have been #3, but they were both kicked out of the trial for disease progression. I had actually met one of the 2 online. She was do to start right before me (they are only doing one at a time), but had progression (it was in her liver). She passed away the first part of August. It just makes me so mad that there is no cure for cancer.
Tomorrow, I have xrays and an anthesiologist consult and that's it. I will proably not post tomorrow night, as we will be picking up our kids from the airport and enjoying time with them!
Take care!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

We are here!

We are in Houston now. We actually got in here Saturday afternoon, but have not had internet access. I am on a computer in the "resident center" now. We should have our internet hooked up in our apartment today, so I won't be able to email until then. We just got back from MDA a little bit ago and will go back at 7:15 in the morning for a bone marrow biopsy (with sedation) and a PET scan. I won't be able to eat until about 4:00!! We will also meet with Dr. Ueno (remember, he's my stem cell doctor!).
Tomorrow, I have x-rays and an anesthesiology consult (for surgery next week----port removal and central line placement).
Friday, our day starts with a CT of the head/neck area at 7:30, followed by a bone scan.
Then, on Monday, I have an echocardiogram, spiromerty and DLCO (heart and lung tests) and an EKG
Tuesday, all I have is a blood draw.
Wednesday, we meet again with Dr. Ueno, sign a "storage consent", which I assume is for storage of my stem cells once they are removed from me. We also visit with a research coordinator and have 2 other appointments that I am really not sure WHAT they are (hosing and PT teaching???)! Sounds interesting!
Thursday, I get sedated and have my port removed, central line put in at 7:30 that morning and meet with some other Doctor that I have not heard of and don't know why yet.
Then, AS OF NOW, there is nothing on the schedule until the next Wednesday morning at 7:45. SO, again, AS OF NOW, we are planning on flying home that Thursday (Sept. 13th) after my surgery and stay until Tuesday. That will be a nice little break!
Anyhoooooo, I just wanted to check in and say HI!
For those of you that knew of the last drain in my side, it came out today!!!!

Take care!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!

Today is my birthday. Never before have I ever made a big deal about it. "Whopee, another year older" I would always think.

This year, that is different.

This past year, I have learned that getting older is not a horrible thing. It is a privilege. An honor. It is not even something guarenteed to us.

So, from here on out, with every passing birthday, I will celebrate getting older!


Love and hugs,

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Another great blog!

Parents, you will love this lady's blog!

She describes parenting so well in all of her posts! I have been reading it for the last hour, just CRACKING UP! So many of those things are so true, and having ran a daycare for 6 years, if my kids haven't tried it, at least one of my daycare kids have lol!

We are going to be leaving next Saturday for Houston. I hope this week goes by SLOWLY.
Raisa was thrilled to find out that she will be playing Marta in "The Sound of Music" which will run around the 2nd or 3rd of November. Keep an eye on the paper. It will be at FKHS in the auditorium. The directors are Darla Strecker and Mark Gard, so it is sure to be a hit!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Crazy Sexy Cancer

What a title, eh!!! There is a new documentary on TLC starting August 29th, called "Crazy Sexy Cancer". I have been following the story of this girl, Kris Carr, for a couple of months now and am so glad to hear that the documentary is finally going to air on TLC.
Here is the link to it:
You can access her blog from that site also. Such an inspiring person. She has a rare and incurable cancer. She is a great journalist. I encourage you all to take a moment to check out her story.

I have had a bit more good news this week, my tumor markers are down to 47!! WHOO HOO, it just may call for my first drink in, well, almost a year!! I also have a birthday on August 27th, so another reason to celebrate!

We are getting ready to leave for Houston a week from Sunday. We are going to drive down for the first time. I just don't want to be stuck without a car for so long. This way, we can take off on the weekends and drive to Galveston or somewhere else. We may have the chance to fly back for a weekend before I actually go into the hospital, which will be September 24. We are hoping to fly the kids down for a weekend also. We have found an apartment. Here is the link to where we will be staying:
Click on Houston Medical Center, and it is the "Archstone Medical Center Apartments".
It is the very first apartment on on the page on Fannin Street (it's right across from Reliant Park for those familar with Houston). It is a bit more than we were hoping to spend, but it will still be cheaper than the Rotary House where we have been staying. It seems like a real nice place.
For those of you who have been asking exactly what will be done during the transplant, here is the best link I have describing it (it is from the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, but the procedure is real similar):

My schedule has been filling up for the next month with scans, 2 more surgeries (port removal and central line put in and also a bone marrow biopsy where I have chosen to be put under), doctor visits, etc. We will keep the blog updated with all the tests and the results (like they will be anything other than great, AMEN!) I think I am now ready for this part of my journey. I hope you all follow me through it! I love you all!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

We are home

Just a note to let everyone know that we are home now. I have lots to post about as a few new things have been added to this crazy mix. We were thrown a bit of a curve Monday before I was released to go home. I don't even really know where to begin or if I can really describe it all so that you can follow the story. I will try.
First, to reiterate about the stem cell transplant clinical trial. The trial is to see if lowering the Circulating Tumor Cells in the blood will prolong overall survial. CTC are a fairly new test that the Oncologists are just not too sure what to do with the info yet. They know that the average person without cancer can have up to 5 of these per 7.5ml of blood. You need to have over five to be enrolled in the trial. Last February, mine were 14. I did not even know every time at MDAnderson that I had my blood drawn, they also drew for this. I never received those reports. Dr. Ueno, my Stem Cell doctor however, did. As of this summer, my CTC are at ZERO. Yep, none! That was good to hear, however, I was afraid I would be kicked out of the trial for now being too healthy! Well, Dr. Ueno changed the protocol for the transplant to say that at one time, your CTC had to be over 5. So, I am still a part of the trial! That was great to hear. We leave the Tuesday after Labor Day and will be down there for 6-8 weeks.
Now, the curve that was thrown at us. I was not going to post about all of this yet, as I am still waiting to hear from the Doctors to talk more about it. But, in the surgery I had last week, I had breast tissue removed from both breasts to send to pathology. What they found really surprised us. Not only was cancer found in the left side, but it was also found in the right side. This has went undiagnosed from even MDA for almost a year and that has even included having multiple ct scans, ultrasounds, and MRI. Last October, they biopsied a lymph node on the right side that came back positive for cancer. They could not find any cancer in the right breast and had figured that in order for it to have gotten there, it would have made it's way all through my body. That is what got me the stage 4 diagnosis. Now, we know that the lymph node was positive because there indeed was cancer on the right side. That is actually good to hear. Now, for another curve, 2 types of cancer were actually found in the tissue from the left side, Lobular (which I knew about) and also Ductal. Last October, there were a few suspisious spots show up on my bone scan. These have never been biopsied to make sure that it indeed is cancer. I will be having them test it and also a bone marrow biopy. We do not have the receptor--er/pr (estogen) status or the her2neu-- back from the Ductul. As of now, we do not know for sure that it has actually spread, or if it has, which cancer it was that spread to the bone. The type as well as the receptor status will matter a bunch. They tailor your treatment around it. If there is indeed cancer in the bones and it turns out to be the ductal, with a receptor status of a triple negative (NOT positive for estrogen, meaning not fed by estrogen) and I would have listened to my oncologist at MDA last fall and just started out on hormone therapy, I would be in pretty bad shape right now. My intuition just told me I had to do the chemo, and the hardest regimine I could. Last February, the surgeon only wanted to biopsy the left breast. I also asked the opinion of my Oncologist at MDA as well as the Oncologist here in Coffeyville. They both said only do the left. My intuition told me otherwise and I was pretty adament that both need to be biopsied. Now, I think I should give credit to God here for intervening and guiding my ways this past year. I do believe that is where this intuition has cam from. I know what I need to do. I have always felt that way. I just KNOW.
Now I am not sure what my Doctors have to say about all of this yet. I think I will end up being a text book case for even MD Anderson. They couldn't believe I was misdiagnosed here for a year, yet I was UNdiagnosed there f0r almost a year. Interesting to say the least. I hope you have followed this weird unfolding of events. I know, had I not been the one living it, I probaly would be going "HUH??? WHAT?? I don't understand a word she said!" LOL. Hopefully we will be able to talk with my Oncologist this next week. I am just glad the SCT is still on. I think I will be in the best possible place I could be in to have it done (VERY VERY low tumor load). I do believe with all my heart that I AM THE HEALED. God said, "by His stripes I was healed". If I was healed, then, I am healed. Settled.

Thanks for hanging in there reading all of this! It is sure great to be home! The kids really missed us, as we did them. We added Raisa to our cell phone plan and got her her own Razor with unlimited texting. That was nice for both her and us. She was able to call me or text me any time that she wanted. I think she liked that feeling of being in touch with us at any point. It made it a little easier. We are going to bring them to Houston at some point during our stay there. I just can't go that long without seeing them. I need my hugs and snugglebugs!

EDITED TO ADD: Ok, I am a doofus. I never read the previous blogs from Kevin and didn't even see that he had already posted about the CTC and the SCT. He explained that part a whole lot better than I did HAHA! I should have just had him write this blog to! If any of you have any questions, feel free to post them and I will answer them!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

A few more days in Houston

We're here for the weekend. The doctor wants us to stay until Monday. No problems...just precautions. Kasey's still pretty sore, so this weekend will give her more time to prepare for the airport adventure. (And maybe God's just trying to prepare us for the 2 months we will be staying here later. Raisa and Larson: We miss you SO much!!!)

So, we should be back home either Monday night or Tuesday.

Thanks for checking on us, and thanks for the kind words and prayers.


Thursday, August 09, 2007

Thursday, August 9th

Kasey is still doing well. She was released from the hospital Wednesday afternoon...just in time to go right to the Stem Cell Transplant clinic for a meeting with Dr. Ueno. This was an interesting meeting.

The Clinical Trial (Stem Cell Transplant) that she will be part of is based on Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC). A patient is required to have at least 5 of these cells present in the certain amount of blood they collect. When they first considered her for the trial, she had 14 CTC's. We had not seen these results in the past, but they have been testing every blood sample she has given here. The results Dr. Ueno showed us yesterday were a bit surprising...her CTC's went from 14 to 7 to 5 to 3 to CTC's at all!!!

A CTC is a cancer cell floating around in the blood stream. She is too well for the Clinical Trial...but, it gets better!! They have changed the protocol for the trial, and decided to allow persons that have had at least 5 CTC's, even though they disappear with good responses to conventional treatment (chemo).

This will be a great advantage for Kasey...the less disease present when the Stem Cell Transplant is undergone, the better odds for complete remission.

Praise God!!! The Holy Name of Jesus is all-powerfull!!!

Kasey's still slow getting around. So it may be a few days before she's ready for a flight home. She's better every day though...and we sure miss the kids!!!

Thanks to all for the thoughts and prayers.


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Day after surgery and all is good!!

Kasey is feeling good. She's eating well, and has been up and around a couple of times today. She's going to stay in the hospital one more night, and should be released tomorrow. Her spirits are high, as usual. She is such a strong woman!!

Thanks again for all the thoughts, prayers and comments.


Monday, August 06, 2007

Surgery went well!!

We just wanted to let everyone know that surgery went well for Kasey. She'll be staying a night or two in the hospital, and should be able to come back to Coffeyville either Friday or Monday. (It'll be Friday if we have anything to do with it!!) Thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers. Feel free to give us a call. And thanks to all who read and post on this blog. I know Kasey loves to hear from you.


Saturday, August 04, 2007


We talked with the surgeon yesterday and we will check in Monday morning around 8 and surgery will be around 10 or 11. He is going to remove any cancerous tissue that may be left and also take a few lymph nodes from both sides for testing. I should be able to come back to the hotel the next day. We meet with the stem cell doctor Wednesday and we should be home on Friday or Saturday. I am ready to come home. I don't know how I am going to be able to stay here for 2 months. I miss my kids so much, I just want to cry. It's just not the same talking on the phone or text messaging. I need to kiss and hug them. Here's hoping this week flies by!

Thursday, August 02, 2007


My scan reports were dictated to my Oncologist today. I do not have copies of these yet as they aren't signed off for yet, but she did go over all the results with me.

BIG GRINS! All is either stable or IMPROVED compared to scans in May! Bones are looking good, nothing new and the chest/abdomen is still clear. GOD IS SO GOOD. I thank Him every day for my healing. Thank you all for all the prayers too! The power of prayer is awesome.
As I talked with the Radiologist today he thinks that I should be able to look at all this "through a rearview miror" and get on with life. That felt good to hear.
We did have an appointment with a genetic councelor today and I had about 8 viles of blood drawn for research and to test for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene. We have to get insurance approval before they send it in, but should know the results in about 6 weeks. While it won't affect my treatment, it will be info to know because of Raisa. If I carry it, she has a 50/50 chance of having it and would be tested for it when she is 20-25 years old.
We talk with the surgeon tomorrow and the anethesologist tomorrow and will also meet with my stem cell doctor, Dr. Ueno next week.
I am off to go eat dinner and get in the pool and hot tub!
Thanks again for all the support and prayers and for still hanging in there with me!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Off to Houston

We are leaving tomorrow for Houston. I can hardly believe it has been almost three months! Our flight out is at 7:30 pm, so we should be in Houston by 9:00pm. I have scans starting at 8:00 the next morning, so please keep us in your prayers! THANK YOU!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

July 26, 2007

Wow, this summer has flown right by. I can't believe it is the end of July already! We go back to Houston next Tuesday, July 31st. Not sure how long we will be there, at least a week and a half. I am hoping to be back before the start of school on August 16th. I will be having scans again as well as visiting with several doctors. I have an appointment with a genetics Doctor also. I am hoping to have my central line put in for the transplant while we are there also. As of now, we will be going back to Houston the middle of September for the SCT. That is when we will be down there for 2 months. All is still well with me. I am still a bit tired as my blood counts are still down, but it hasn't stopped me from doing what I have wanted to. Raisa and Larson have sure kept me busy this summer! Tonight is opening night for Narnia and both of the kids are in that and it runs until Sunday. Saturday is the League Swim Meet that Raisa will be in. That will be her last swim meet for the season. Raisa is excited to try out for The Sound of Music next month. That will be the fall musical put on by Darla Strecker and Mark Gard at F.K.H.S. Sounds fun!
Don and Shelly have closed and moved into their new home. Thank you to those who bought them a gift or sent a card to them. I know it meant alot to them. I am so proud of how this town is handled the flood and all the displaced families. Way to go!
That's all that's new for now. We will post next week after we get the scans. Please keep us in your prayers!
(OH, I forgot to add that my tumor markers have went down to 62!)

Saturday, July 07, 2007

July 7, 2007

Thank you all for your interest in helping Don and Shelly. I have several of your emails saved and will be calling you! I am making up a list of things they are needing and if anyone would like to help out, PLEASE CALL ME AT 251-8546, or email me at:
They have purchased a new home and will be closing next Thursday, but will have nothing from their old house to move into it. Kevin and I are planning a house warming party (or BBQ) for them in the very near future. Call me if you are interested. If you can't make the party, but still want to help them, call me!!! I will be calling those on my list when we decide a date.

The kids and I have been helping out the shelters around town with donations of food, clothes and toys. We bought a bunch of bubbles and blowpops for the kids in the shelters too. I know my kids have really enjoyed helping out. They even picked out certain stuff they wanted to donate. Larson picked out Dora the Explorer toothpaste for the kids who don't like "grown up toothpaste" and children's character toothbrushes. He also wanted to buy some new underwear (Cars) for the boys and Princesses for the girls. Raisa bought some crayons, coloring books, Rice Krispie Treats and cheese and cracker treats for the kids. They also picked out Chips and dip, Pringles, Peanuts and beef jerkey for the National Guard. Like I said, they really enjoyed helping out. We will check back with the shelters next week to see if they are needing anthing new. I feel blessed to be in a position to be able to help. I am so sorry all these people have to go through this.
Thank you for all the well wishes for Don and Shelly and family. It brings them comfort knowing people are here to help!

Monday, July 02, 2007


Can you all believe this is happening????? Wow. For those of you wondering, yes, my inlaws house is flooded. We are still not sure how high, as there have been conflicting reports. Some say it is over the roof, others say above the windows, but not to the attic yet. They really didn't think they would flood and did not take much out with them. They did, however put some things in the attic, so we are PRAYING it has not gotten into the attic. They are all staying here with us for the time being. Not sure what the future holds yet. I hope the water will recede soon so we can at least get back to the house to check it out. Prayers to all of you that have been affected by this flood and oil spill.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Curious George

Sharing a few photos from the play "The Adventures of Curious George" today. The last one has Larson in it next to Raisa, who played Curious George.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Relay For Life

What an amazing experience it was! I want to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for all the encouragement and hugs that night! Seeing all the luminaries with my name on them just brought me to tears. Thank you to every one of you that purchased one in my honor. Here are a few photos to share from relay last Friday night:

Thank you, Gay Cornell, for all you did to make it a wonderful night for many!

Last Friday I had my LAST chemo until the sct! Finally, a break! We head back to Houston on August 1st, so I will have the rest of the summer to enjoy! I will be asking everyone who would like to stay in contact with me during the 2 months we are in Houston to post your email address for me, or email me. I will still post updates on this blog while we are there. I know many of you read this blog for updates. It seems everytime I am out somewhere, I run into someone who tells me that they read it almost everyday. I just had no idea so many of you know of this site. (Quit hiding and post a hi--I want to know who all is lurking!)

Please also continue to keep my friend, Terri Hill, in you prayers! She is having a rough time. She was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor a few months ago. Prayers to you, Terri!!!!!

If you all have a free afternoon on Thursday, June 28th, from 4:30-5:00, stop by the College and see the play, "Curious George" that the summer theatre camp is putting on. (Raisa is Curious George and Larson is a brother who loses his ballon--it's his first play!)


Monday, June 18, 2007

June 18, 2007

Chemo brain must really be setting in--------it took me 9 tries to log in because I forgot my username and password hahaha!
All is still well here. I have my LAST chemo this Friday!! (Well, last one until the SCT). After 7 1/2 months, it is finally here! I am so glad it went so well. A year ago, I had no idea what "chemotherapy" even was. I have been blessed in that no one close to me had ever went through it. I am just so happy I made it through it (and with a smile on my face most days!). I have decided to celebrate the ending of chemo at Relay for Life this Friday. I had been going back and forth as to if I was emotionally ready for it or not. I didn't think I could be much inspiration to anyone yet. Maybe in 10 years I felt, then I will have a story to tell. But, as I have shared with all of you, my story began on that awful day in September when I came out of surgery and heard the words "It's cancer". I have pondered what it means to "survive" cancer. Then it hit me, I have already SURVIVED cancer in the fact that it will not steal from me my happiness and my hope. I will never live as if I "HAVE" cancer. It doesn't HAVE me.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Another "Mommy moment!"

Had to share Raisa too! The Swim Team is in full force now! They had their first meet last night against Chanute and will close with the League Meet the last Saturday in July.

The future "Tiger Woods" of Golf!

Ok, just having a Mommy brag moment lol! (He really is pretty darn good though!)

Monday, June 04, 2007

Monday, June 4th

Hi there! I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far! Raisa has started her swim practices and will have her first meet Wednesday at the Country Club. Larson has started t-ball and will have his first game tonight--YA! They are having fun so far! Larson is also in Junior Golf at the Country Club. He is LOVING that! He is really a pretty good golfer for a 5 year old. They will have a tournament in a few weeks. I can't wait to watch that!
As for me, I have been just as busy as ever. Trying to slow it down a bit, but it's hard! We go back to Houston August 1st and will be there until about August 10-13. I have scans and surgery planned that week. Then, we will have to wait 4 weeks and then will begin the transplant. So, we are looking at the first to middle of September to begin now. As long as I am home for the holidays, that is fine with me. This Friday, I will begin my last 3 infusions of Abraxane. After that, I will have a shot to shut down my ovaries and will start on an oral chemo called Femera. I am still feeling great. I had my week off of chemo last week, so this week I am not even overly tired. Good thing, too much to do haha! You all take care!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

May 24

HELLLLLLOOOOOO! Sorry again for not posting lately! I haven't been on the computer much except for proofing. Things are going good here. Tumor markers are now down to 70.1! -----insert applause here------LOL! We still have no set date for the SCT (stem cell transplant) yet. I have been talking with the Nurses this week. They are in the process of getting things together. I will keep you all posted.
I can't believe school is out for the summer! Last September when I was diagnosed with cancer I wished the year would go fast as to get my through treatment. It sure has too. Now, I wish it would all slow down a bit! Today was a bittersweet day for me. It was my last day doing daycare. After 6 years of having great kids (and parents) coming to my house everyday it will feel strange and quiet around here. I planned a year ago to possibly quit in May of 2007 and do photography full time. I am just about booked now for the sessions I will be taking for the summer. I have had some real sweet sessions lately, but unfortunately don't have model releases to share, so I haven't been able to post them. I am needing to spend some time updating my photography website ( It has been about 1 1/2 years. I need to add more current photos. That just takes time, which was hard to find while doing daycare.
We are finally getting our downstairs bathroom redone. The tile in the shower is looking awesome. I love it. Now, I want to redo the upstairs like it! Those kind of projects just never end, do they?
Just a little note to also let you all know that little Daric is home and doing good! He did have to go to OKC after getting home from Alabama to have some fluid removed from his lung, but is doing good now. (I hope you don't mind me posting this MonaGayle, I just know many people were praying for him)
If I don't post much in the next week or so, I will just be busy! Swim practice starts next Tuesday and next Wednesday is Larson's first t-ball game. I am also hoping to have a garage sale soon, if I could just get in gear to get everything organized for it. I may work on that this weekend if it doesn't rain. Awwww, the list of things to do just keeps getting bigger and bigger (and I still haven't planted my new bushes out front yet!).
Until next time,

PS--I am not going to go back and check for typos and grammer so if it bothers you, just close your eyes LOLOLOL!

Friday, May 11, 2007


That's what my oncologist had to say to me today! Rock on!!!

Everything is looking great! There has been visible improvement in the bones and all organs are still clear! WHOOHOOO! Tumor markers are down to 78.2 now. Bloodwork has been fine. I don't have to see her until August. We had our meeting with the transplant team, but they thought I was through with chemo and were wanting me to start the process of the transplant now. They are only taking one person at a time for this clinical trial. However, I won't be through with chemo until the middle of July, so they will be starting another person now and I will be next in line, so we are still looking at August/September, which is what we were figuring. The clinical trial is in phase 2 right now. I will be getting the reports from phase 1 to check it out. I am guessing they have had a good response or it would not have made it to phase 2. There is a percentage of women who do real well with the transplant and are essentially "cured" (although with cancer that term is used pretty lightly as you all know, there is no CURE) and I am fitting in with that profile pretty good so far with my excellent response to chemo.
So, we have had a great visit here! We are still in Houston (I have chemo here in about 15 minutes!) and should be back some time tomorrow. Our flight out is at 11:30 am. I think we may stay in Tulsa for a bit and get some Mother's Day shopping (sorry Mom, your gift will be a tad late--but, ya know I love ya!) and some Birthday shopping for Raisa done. I can't believe my baby will be 11!! Time sure flies.
Need to head out, but couldn't wait to share the good news!


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Forrest Gump Dies....

The day finally arrived. Forrest Gump dies and goes to Heaven. He is met at the Pearly Gates by St. Peter himself. However, the gates are closed and Forrest approaches the Gatekeeper. St. Peter says, "Well, Forrest, it's certainly good to see you. We've heard a lot about you. I must tell you though, that the place is filling up fast, and so we've been administering an entrance examination for everyone. The test is short, but you have to pass it before you can get into Heaven"
Forrest responds, "It shor is good to be here, St. Peter, sir. But nobody ever tolt me about any entrance exam. Shor hope the test ain't too hard. Life was a big enough test as it was."
St. Peter goes on, "Yes, I know, Forrest, but the test is only three questions.
First: What two days of the week begin with the letter T? Second: How many seconds are there in a year? Third: What is God's first name?"
Forrest leaves to think the questions over. He returns the next day and sees St. Peter who waves him up and says, "Now that you have had a chance to think the questions over, tell me your answers."
Forrest says, "Well, the first one -- which two days in the week begin with the letter "T"? Shucks, that one's easy. That'd be Today and Tomorrow.
The Saint's eyes open wide and he exclaims, "Forrest, that's not quite what I was thinking, but you do have a point, and I guess I didn't specify, so I'll give you credit for that answer. How about the next one?" asks St. Peter?
"How many seconds in a year?"
"Now that one's harder," says Forrest, "but I thunk and thunk about that, and I guess the only answer can be twelve."
Astounded, St. Peter says, "Twelve? Twelve!? Forrest, how in Heaven's name could you come up with twelve seconds in a year?"
Forrest says "Shucks, there's gotta be twelve: January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd ...... "
"Hold it," interrupts St. Peter. "I see where you're going with this, and I see your point, though again that wasn't quite what I had in mind. But I'll have to give you credit for that one too. Let's go on with the third and final question. Can you tell me God's first name"?
"Sure" Forrest replied, "its Andy."
"Andy?!" exclaimed an exasperated and frustrated St. Peter. "OK, I can understand how you came up with your answers to my first two questions, but just how in the world did you come up with the name Andy as the first name of God?"
"Shucks, that was the easiest one of all," Forrest replied. "I learnt it from the song. "ANDY WALKS WITH ME, ANDY TALKS WITH ME, ANDY TELLS ME I AM HIS OWN. . . "
St. Peter opened the Pearly Gates and said: "Run Forrest, run."

Off to Houston

Just a quick note to let everyone know that we are leaving for Houston again on Wednesday afternoon. I have scans all day Thursday and we are meeting with my transplant Doctor and Oncologist Friday. I have had several people asking me about the stem cell transplant. It is called an "autologous stem cell transplant ". It is basically the same as a bone marrow transplant, except they will be taking my stem cells from the blood instead of the marrow. I will be on medication several days prior to the "harvesting or rescuing" of my stem cells that will push the stem cells out of the marrow into the bloodstream. Then, they will collect them, smack me with an extremely high dose of chemo that will kill all the cells and marrow in me. Then, they will "transplant" my own stem cells back into me. Then I wait in the hospital while my body recouperates and starts to rebuilt the red and white blood cells. I vaguely remember them also talking about whole body radiation also, right before or after the chemo. We will find out more this week. I hope that darn weather cooperates and we get to leave on time. I think our flight is at 7:30 tomorrow evening or somewhere around that. We will be home Saturday. I want to send out a special prayer to my little friend, Daric Voss, who is 4, and just had open heart surgery yesterday in Alabama. May God look after him and comfort him and his parents (you and your family are so special MonaGayle--I just love you all!!). Take care and I will post again this weekend or before with our scan results and any new info!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Insurance Approval!

Our insurance company has FINALLY approved the stem cell transpant! We received final approval yesterday. They declined it first go around, but we, along with M.D. Anderson and Acme/Magic Circle appealed it and won! They are wanting me to meet back with my transplant Doctor (Dr. Ueno--pronounced Way-no) along with my Oncologist, Dr. Green next week in Houston. I will have to have the pre transplant tests done again (heart and lung tests). I passed these with flying colors a few months ago. Hopefully, they will be able to schedule them all next week when we are back in Houston. I love M.D. Anderson. I love how they handle everything for you. We will also start our search for an apartment to rent the 2 months we are down there. Hopefully, that won't be too hard! I have still been feeling good, just real tired. I am glad the weather has finally warmed up though! I have a bunch of new plants to get planted outside, if it would just stop raining now hahaha!
You all take care and Happy May Day!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Life with Larson

I should seriously start this kid his own website! Life with Larson is very interesting! I could go on and on about all the strange things he thinks of and says! Tell him to get dressed and WELL, just see the above photo! LOL! Ask him his favorite Chinese restaurant--Honk Honk Delight of course! A few nights ago we were discussing Baptism and he wanted to know who his Fairy Godmother was! He is so into Star Wars right now you never know when Yoda or Obi One Kanobi will be running through the house. Yes, life with Larson is interesting!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Double Digits!!

My tumor markers are still in double digits! They dropped from 96 down to 85 this week. I still have to get them down to 35, but they are headed there!! 5 of 12 Abraxane treatments down. I will be headed back to MDA in a few weeks. I will be having some genetic testing done to see if I carry the breast cancer gene---BRCA1 and BRCA2. I don't think, for me, it will matter now. I just need to know because I do have a daughter and if I carry the gene, she may also. I thought breast cancer was more heriditary then it is. Only 15% of breast cancers are heridtary. 85% of women just get it. Only 10% of breast cancers are lobular carcinomas like what I have. They tend to be more aggressive and diagnosed at a later stage due to the fact that this cancer grows in "sheets" or "layers" and will present more as a thickening of tissue than an actual lump. That is why they are hard to pick up on mammograms. Like I have stated earlier, I had 2 mammograms in 2005 that did not pick this up. That, coupled with my younger age to get breast cancer, I have been in alot of the minority so far.

You all have a great weekend! Don't forget about the Holy Name School carnival tonight!!

Friday, April 13, 2007

So Sorry!

I am real sorry I haven't posted too much lately! It has just been so busy! I have been feeling alright, just real tired, yet not sleeping well at night, from this new chemo. Last week was my week off, so today started a new 3 week on period. Then I will have another week off, then the next week we will head back to Houston for new scans. I will have my tumor markers drawn next week, so we can see how much more they have dropped!
What I have I been busy doing? Well, this week, I photographed 85 kids, 1 mayor, 1 baby and will finish up with 20 First Communicants! Whew! I still managed to make it to one of my Yoga classes, have chemo, go to bible study and only take one day off of daycare! See, not much time left to post on the blog lol!
I don't know about all of you, but I am ready for this cold weather to move on! I want some warm sunshine. I am ready to take the daycare kids outside more. I think they are all getting a bit of cabin fever. Larson is looking foreward to playing teeball this year. He is quite a ball player if I may say so! He is also great at golf, basketball and soccer. He has made it out to the Country Club a couple of times with Kevin to golf. He will play all 18 holes and be ready for more! Raisa is gearing up for swimming. I am going to enroll her in the fitness club through CRC so she can use the high school pool in the evening to start getting back in shape. I usually do it with her, but will have to pass on it this year. Swim practices will start at the end of May. Larson will be doing swim lessons this year through the red cross. He is excited about that.
You all take care and pray for some warmer weather! I am so done with winter!