Monday, August 27, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!

Today is my birthday. Never before have I ever made a big deal about it. "Whopee, another year older" I would always think.

This year, that is different.

This past year, I have learned that getting older is not a horrible thing. It is a privilege. An honor. It is not even something guarenteed to us.

So, from here on out, with every passing birthday, I will celebrate getting older!


Love and hugs,

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Another great blog!

Parents, you will love this lady's blog!

She describes parenting so well in all of her posts! I have been reading it for the last hour, just CRACKING UP! So many of those things are so true, and having ran a daycare for 6 years, if my kids haven't tried it, at least one of my daycare kids have lol!

We are going to be leaving next Saturday for Houston. I hope this week goes by SLOWLY.
Raisa was thrilled to find out that she will be playing Marta in "The Sound of Music" which will run around the 2nd or 3rd of November. Keep an eye on the paper. It will be at FKHS in the auditorium. The directors are Darla Strecker and Mark Gard, so it is sure to be a hit!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Crazy Sexy Cancer

What a title, eh!!! There is a new documentary on TLC starting August 29th, called "Crazy Sexy Cancer". I have been following the story of this girl, Kris Carr, for a couple of months now and am so glad to hear that the documentary is finally going to air on TLC.
Here is the link to it:
You can access her blog from that site also. Such an inspiring person. She has a rare and incurable cancer. She is a great journalist. I encourage you all to take a moment to check out her story.

I have had a bit more good news this week, my tumor markers are down to 47!! WHOO HOO, it just may call for my first drink in, well, almost a year!! I also have a birthday on August 27th, so another reason to celebrate!

We are getting ready to leave for Houston a week from Sunday. We are going to drive down for the first time. I just don't want to be stuck without a car for so long. This way, we can take off on the weekends and drive to Galveston or somewhere else. We may have the chance to fly back for a weekend before I actually go into the hospital, which will be September 24. We are hoping to fly the kids down for a weekend also. We have found an apartment. Here is the link to where we will be staying:
Click on Houston Medical Center, and it is the "Archstone Medical Center Apartments".
It is the very first apartment on on the page on Fannin Street (it's right across from Reliant Park for those familar with Houston). It is a bit more than we were hoping to spend, but it will still be cheaper than the Rotary House where we have been staying. It seems like a real nice place.
For those of you who have been asking exactly what will be done during the transplant, here is the best link I have describing it (it is from the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, but the procedure is real similar):

My schedule has been filling up for the next month with scans, 2 more surgeries (port removal and central line put in and also a bone marrow biopsy where I have chosen to be put under), doctor visits, etc. We will keep the blog updated with all the tests and the results (like they will be anything other than great, AMEN!) I think I am now ready for this part of my journey. I hope you all follow me through it! I love you all!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

We are home

Just a note to let everyone know that we are home now. I have lots to post about as a few new things have been added to this crazy mix. We were thrown a bit of a curve Monday before I was released to go home. I don't even really know where to begin or if I can really describe it all so that you can follow the story. I will try.
First, to reiterate about the stem cell transplant clinical trial. The trial is to see if lowering the Circulating Tumor Cells in the blood will prolong overall survial. CTC are a fairly new test that the Oncologists are just not too sure what to do with the info yet. They know that the average person without cancer can have up to 5 of these per 7.5ml of blood. You need to have over five to be enrolled in the trial. Last February, mine were 14. I did not even know every time at MDAnderson that I had my blood drawn, they also drew for this. I never received those reports. Dr. Ueno, my Stem Cell doctor however, did. As of this summer, my CTC are at ZERO. Yep, none! That was good to hear, however, I was afraid I would be kicked out of the trial for now being too healthy! Well, Dr. Ueno changed the protocol for the transplant to say that at one time, your CTC had to be over 5. So, I am still a part of the trial! That was great to hear. We leave the Tuesday after Labor Day and will be down there for 6-8 weeks.
Now, the curve that was thrown at us. I was not going to post about all of this yet, as I am still waiting to hear from the Doctors to talk more about it. But, in the surgery I had last week, I had breast tissue removed from both breasts to send to pathology. What they found really surprised us. Not only was cancer found in the left side, but it was also found in the right side. This has went undiagnosed from even MDA for almost a year and that has even included having multiple ct scans, ultrasounds, and MRI. Last October, they biopsied a lymph node on the right side that came back positive for cancer. They could not find any cancer in the right breast and had figured that in order for it to have gotten there, it would have made it's way all through my body. That is what got me the stage 4 diagnosis. Now, we know that the lymph node was positive because there indeed was cancer on the right side. That is actually good to hear. Now, for another curve, 2 types of cancer were actually found in the tissue from the left side, Lobular (which I knew about) and also Ductal. Last October, there were a few suspisious spots show up on my bone scan. These have never been biopsied to make sure that it indeed is cancer. I will be having them test it and also a bone marrow biopy. We do not have the receptor--er/pr (estogen) status or the her2neu-- back from the Ductul. As of now, we do not know for sure that it has actually spread, or if it has, which cancer it was that spread to the bone. The type as well as the receptor status will matter a bunch. They tailor your treatment around it. If there is indeed cancer in the bones and it turns out to be the ductal, with a receptor status of a triple negative (NOT positive for estrogen, meaning not fed by estrogen) and I would have listened to my oncologist at MDA last fall and just started out on hormone therapy, I would be in pretty bad shape right now. My intuition just told me I had to do the chemo, and the hardest regimine I could. Last February, the surgeon only wanted to biopsy the left breast. I also asked the opinion of my Oncologist at MDA as well as the Oncologist here in Coffeyville. They both said only do the left. My intuition told me otherwise and I was pretty adament that both need to be biopsied. Now, I think I should give credit to God here for intervening and guiding my ways this past year. I do believe that is where this intuition has cam from. I know what I need to do. I have always felt that way. I just KNOW.
Now I am not sure what my Doctors have to say about all of this yet. I think I will end up being a text book case for even MD Anderson. They couldn't believe I was misdiagnosed here for a year, yet I was UNdiagnosed there f0r almost a year. Interesting to say the least. I hope you have followed this weird unfolding of events. I know, had I not been the one living it, I probaly would be going "HUH??? WHAT?? I don't understand a word she said!" LOL. Hopefully we will be able to talk with my Oncologist this next week. I am just glad the SCT is still on. I think I will be in the best possible place I could be in to have it done (VERY VERY low tumor load). I do believe with all my heart that I AM THE HEALED. God said, "by His stripes I was healed". If I was healed, then, I am healed. Settled.

Thanks for hanging in there reading all of this! It is sure great to be home! The kids really missed us, as we did them. We added Raisa to our cell phone plan and got her her own Razor with unlimited texting. That was nice for both her and us. She was able to call me or text me any time that she wanted. I think she liked that feeling of being in touch with us at any point. It made it a little easier. We are going to bring them to Houston at some point during our stay there. I just can't go that long without seeing them. I need my hugs and snugglebugs!

EDITED TO ADD: Ok, I am a doofus. I never read the previous blogs from Kevin and didn't even see that he had already posted about the CTC and the SCT. He explained that part a whole lot better than I did HAHA! I should have just had him write this blog to! If any of you have any questions, feel free to post them and I will answer them!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

A few more days in Houston

We're here for the weekend. The doctor wants us to stay until Monday. No problems...just precautions. Kasey's still pretty sore, so this weekend will give her more time to prepare for the airport adventure. (And maybe God's just trying to prepare us for the 2 months we will be staying here later. Raisa and Larson: We miss you SO much!!!)

So, we should be back home either Monday night or Tuesday.

Thanks for checking on us, and thanks for the kind words and prayers.


Thursday, August 09, 2007

Thursday, August 9th

Kasey is still doing well. She was released from the hospital Wednesday afternoon...just in time to go right to the Stem Cell Transplant clinic for a meeting with Dr. Ueno. This was an interesting meeting.

The Clinical Trial (Stem Cell Transplant) that she will be part of is based on Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC). A patient is required to have at least 5 of these cells present in the certain amount of blood they collect. When they first considered her for the trial, she had 14 CTC's. We had not seen these results in the past, but they have been testing every blood sample she has given here. The results Dr. Ueno showed us yesterday were a bit surprising...her CTC's went from 14 to 7 to 5 to 3 to CTC's at all!!!

A CTC is a cancer cell floating around in the blood stream. She is too well for the Clinical Trial...but, it gets better!! They have changed the protocol for the trial, and decided to allow persons that have had at least 5 CTC's, even though they disappear with good responses to conventional treatment (chemo).

This will be a great advantage for Kasey...the less disease present when the Stem Cell Transplant is undergone, the better odds for complete remission.

Praise God!!! The Holy Name of Jesus is all-powerfull!!!

Kasey's still slow getting around. So it may be a few days before she's ready for a flight home. She's better every day though...and we sure miss the kids!!!

Thanks to all for the thoughts and prayers.


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Day after surgery and all is good!!

Kasey is feeling good. She's eating well, and has been up and around a couple of times today. She's going to stay in the hospital one more night, and should be released tomorrow. Her spirits are high, as usual. She is such a strong woman!!

Thanks again for all the thoughts, prayers and comments.


Monday, August 06, 2007

Surgery went well!!

We just wanted to let everyone know that surgery went well for Kasey. She'll be staying a night or two in the hospital, and should be able to come back to Coffeyville either Friday or Monday. (It'll be Friday if we have anything to do with it!!) Thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers. Feel free to give us a call. And thanks to all who read and post on this blog. I know Kasey loves to hear from you.


Saturday, August 04, 2007


We talked with the surgeon yesterday and we will check in Monday morning around 8 and surgery will be around 10 or 11. He is going to remove any cancerous tissue that may be left and also take a few lymph nodes from both sides for testing. I should be able to come back to the hotel the next day. We meet with the stem cell doctor Wednesday and we should be home on Friday or Saturday. I am ready to come home. I don't know how I am going to be able to stay here for 2 months. I miss my kids so much, I just want to cry. It's just not the same talking on the phone or text messaging. I need to kiss and hug them. Here's hoping this week flies by!

Thursday, August 02, 2007


My scan reports were dictated to my Oncologist today. I do not have copies of these yet as they aren't signed off for yet, but she did go over all the results with me.

BIG GRINS! All is either stable or IMPROVED compared to scans in May! Bones are looking good, nothing new and the chest/abdomen is still clear. GOD IS SO GOOD. I thank Him every day for my healing. Thank you all for all the prayers too! The power of prayer is awesome.
As I talked with the Radiologist today he thinks that I should be able to look at all this "through a rearview miror" and get on with life. That felt good to hear.
We did have an appointment with a genetic councelor today and I had about 8 viles of blood drawn for research and to test for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene. We have to get insurance approval before they send it in, but should know the results in about 6 weeks. While it won't affect my treatment, it will be info to know because of Raisa. If I carry it, she has a 50/50 chance of having it and would be tested for it when she is 20-25 years old.
We talk with the surgeon tomorrow and the anethesologist tomorrow and will also meet with my stem cell doctor, Dr. Ueno next week.
I am off to go eat dinner and get in the pool and hot tub!
Thanks again for all the support and prayers and for still hanging in there with me!