Saturday, December 22, 2007

Friday, December 21, 2007


RIP 'ol red! They finally totaled it out yesterday. Kevin went today and removed the all weather mats and the cordless headphones for the rear seat audio.

On the bright side though, we have found a new one! Same Salsa Red Pearl color too! It is in Lawrence, so we will be going up there next week after Christmas to pick it up. It will have more options than my old one too---navigation, moonroof, dvd, heated leather seats, etc. I will post a photo of my new one when we get it.
Just had to post the last photos of my van. I am still so thankful we all walked away from this without even a scratch on us. Thank God!

Friday, December 14, 2007


Here is a great blog for some new recipes! I love the step by step photos! Those muffins on the first page look DELISH! I may have to try those!

I finally took some photos of our Christmas trees, nothing to spectacular, but thought I would share!

Our main tree, in the living room:

Dining room tree:

Larson's tree:

And, Raisa's tree:

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

~Nutcracker Parade~

What do I see when I walk into the family room? Why a nutcracker parade put on by my very own Larson! Lol, just had to share!
All is still good here! My bloodwork continues to rise and looks good. I am feeling great. I think I am ready to get back to WORK!!! So, for those of you on my list, I am going to start taking appointments after the first of the year! YA! I go back to Houston January 7-9 for scans. I will start sessions after that. I will only take a limited amount of appointments, as I cannot get stressed right now.

For those of you wondering where my van has been, it is sitting in the Toyota Collision Repair Center in Tulsa. Kevin and I were in a pretty good wreck down in Tulsa last week. Thank God for airbags and seatbelts (and some guardian angels!!). It was hard seeing my van all crushed up. I loved that van! I custom ordered it! Now, I have to find a new one, and you can bet it will look just like my other one! We will have to drive a bit to get one (Kansas City maybe?), but I will find just what I want. I am just glad everyone was alright and the kids were not with us. The driver of the other car was taken to the hospital, but was released that night and is ok.

That's all that's new here! I hope all of you are doing well and getting to enjoy the Christmas Season!
