Saturday, October 14, 2006

Day 4: A little more info.

I just wanted to add some to Kasey's post.

We flew home tonight (Friday).

As said before, lymph nodes on her right side were positive for cancer. This meant one of two things:

1. Cancer has traveled through her body, and found it's way to these nodes.

2. Possible 2nd cancer in the right breast (better case than #1)

The latest test results indicate possible cancer at that spot on her skull, and possible cancer in the right hip.

We will be going back to Houston later next week for 3 MRI's.
Head, right hip, and right breast. These tests should indicate if cancer or not.

Best case will be negative on the skull and hip, but positive on the right breast. This would mean two separate cancers, but not traveling through her body.

Again, thanks to all for the thoughts, prayers, e-mails, and calls.



Debo Blue said...

I'm a stranger so I hope you and Kasey won't mind my praying for you and your families during this trying time. Here's part of a song to share, you all may know it: "When peace like a river attendeth my way. When sorrow, like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, "It is well! It is well with my soul!" The Lord bless and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine upon you!

Anonymous said...

Kasey and Kevin,
I'm glad your home. Enjoy your beautiful children. Know you're always in our prayers and in our hearts.

Anonymous said...

Kasey and Kevin,
Welcome home! You are in our thoughts and prayers!


Anonymous said...

Kasey and Kevin
I have been thinking about you daily. Everytime I think about you I say a prayer.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Kevin. you're the best. kasey picked an an outstanding son-in law for me.
Love, Ed

Anonymous said...

Dearest Kasey and Kevin:
I, too, am in tears as I write. I can't imagine how you are feeling right now with the information you have been given. But Kasey, please believe, believe that miracles happen everyday and I am believing for yours/ours!
I am glad you are going home to revive yourself in your childrens love and affection. I know that if anything could bring a smile to your face, it would be the beautiful sound of your childrens laughter and the smiles on their faces.
Much Love

Anonymous said...

Kevin & kasey.
I am so proud of you. God is testing you and you are meeting the test head on. Never lose courage and give up hope. I know in my heart we will win the battle, God is on our side!
I love you both! Mom

Anonymous said...

Kevin and Kasey,
We are praying for a miracle with you! You are in our thoughts constantly.
This news has pushed you down now but you are strong and will be ready to get back up to fight!


Anonymous said...

Dear Kasey,

The average runner sprints
Until the breath in her is gone;
But the champion has the iron will;
That makes her carry on.

For rest, the average runner begs,
When limp her muscles grow;
But the champion runs on leaden legs
Her spirit makes her go.

The average woman's complacent
When she does her best to score;
But the champion does her best
And then she does a little more.

Kasey, you're the champion spoken of,
Your life to date decrees it so;
God empowers you with His love
His strength is yours, I'm sure you know.

You've challenged life..the ups & downs of it,
When shadows fall, you still see light;
You inspire us all...keep your candle lit !
We're praying with you...we're in your fight.

Much love and many prayers are being sent ahead of you this coming trip to Houston to greet you when you won't see us, but, we are there in spirit.


Anonymous said...

Kasey and Kevin -
My heart aches for what you are dealing with right now. I pray that God will ease your anxiety and worry and replace it with peace and understanding.
I know you are a very strong couple and family with a great love for God and God will be with you every step of the way. I know that sometimes it may seem as if you are walking alone but remember that is when God is carrying you.
I am praying for you all everyday!
Love, Melissa Hurley

Anonymous said...

If children have the ability to ignore all odds and percentages, then maybe we can all learn from them. When you think about it, what other choice is there but to hope? We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up, or fight like hell. ~Lance Armstrong


Anonymous said...

Kevin and Kasey,
First off I would like to say that you two are really an inspiration to me. Your faith in God and love for one another is awesome! I read this and my heart falls to my stomach and words just cant say enough, but know that Im thinking and praying for you all everday. Be strong and keep the positive attitudes.
Love, Kari P.