Thursday, October 26, 2006

A Treatment Plan!

:) <-------that's me smiling!

We finally have a treatment plan. We have chosen to be aggressive with this cancer. It really wasn't a hard decision. I think our Doctor was pleased that we have chosen the aggressive route also. This is what is ahead for us--Next Thursday, we go back to Houston (thank goodness for frequent flyer miles!) and talk with our Oncologist and a surgeon who will put a port in me. Friday, I will have a port installed and begin the first round of chemo! The port will be put under the skin by the collarbone and they will use that to administer the chemo into. Then, we won't go back until the First Friday in December. After that, we will be there every 3rd Friday. In about 3 months, I will be rescanned (CT of abdomen and MRI of pelvis) to see if I am responding to the chemo. If it looks like I am, then we will meet with a bone marrow specialist and discuss a bone marrow transplant. I will be on chemo for about 6-8 months. It will be a tough road ahead, but with lots of prayers, we are hoping to put this thing into remission!



Anonymous said...

Hi Kasey,

It is soooo good to hear that you now have a working plan of action & to hear your continued positive attitude as your wings of faith.. to soar above obsticles as you attain your miracle.

May your journey ship ever sail in God's healing waters...powered by prayer and guided onward with His gift of the Holy Spirit residing within you.

Luv'n'prayers 4 u...Karen

Anonymous said...

Kasey and Kevin, I know this has been the longest road you have ever had to travel but finaly the treatment needed. Knowing you and Kevin have hit this battle head on from the start I would expect nothing but aggressive.Thats the way it came on we know thats the way to fight back.I see the smile but I know this page wasnt big enough to hold the one that was on both your faces and put smiles on a lot of other faces as well Love Sue

Anonymous said...

Hi Kasey,

We are very happy to hear that you have a treatment plan. We pray to God to be with you to get through this and for a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

Kevin and Kasey,

This will be a tough journey for you but you have each other and so many people praying for you to help you get through this. I pray everyday that God holds you in his loving arms and helps you along this journey. Always remember miracles happen everyday.

Keep fighting. We'll keep fighting with you.


Anonymous said...

You are now on the road to recovery. I can't hardly write for the tears. We take so must for granted don't we? I need to do something about me or I'll end up like Randy. Keep smiling - Debbie (Maruka)Have Kevin tell you about that for a laugh.

Anonymous said...

Kevin and Kasey -
Thank God for a treatment plan! I am so glad you are getting ready to face this head on!!! God and the Blessed Virgin Mary are with you always helping you along the way. Melissa H

Anonymous said...

This is awesome news! You get in there and fight sister. You are a parent champion and a woman warrior. I wish we could all go into battle with you. God hears prayers and you are his proof. I am so grateful you have a treatment plan. Thank you for being so bold to share your journey. Much love Carrie

Anonymous said...

Hey Kasey!
I know that this may seem like a tough road! but you know God only gives people crosses they can bear and we know you are tough enough to bear this cross. Just know I have kevin and the kids in my prayers also..and mosty for you. If you ever need a babysitter I'm here! Just ask my aunt missy and she will get ahold of me!
love always

Anonymous said...

I'm imagining our Lord as a knight in shining armor on a big white horse, leading you into battle, with a huge army of prayer warriors behind you. That cancer better be shaking in its boots! It doesn't stand a chance against such a mighty force!! Sound the battle cry, sister, we're all ready to fight with you! Love and prayers, Tiffany

Anonymous said...

We are so glad to hear that you finally have a treatment plan! That is such great news!!! =) We will continue to pray for you on this part of your journey. May God continue to bless you with a positive outlook and the courage to fight!!


Anonymous said...

Cancer is a word, not a sentence.- John Diamond

Thinkin' about You, Kev, Fred, and the Little Man constantly,

Anonymous said...

go Kasey go

You are getting so smart. We learn alot when we are in this situation.
I am a friend of Ginger Youngs and have been following your case. I too was diagnoised with Lobular Breast Cancer this year. You are strong and focused and I am very impressed with your plan of action.I light a candle everyday for you. Peace in your heart and soul. you are very special.M J Strack

Anonymous said...

Kasey and Kevin,
I have been out of town and unable to check mail for a couple of days. I am so glad you have a plan. I know that you are ready, I am behind you every step. Love and prayers to all

Anonymous said...

We are here for you girl! The battle has begun! I'm so glad they are finally taking some ACTION!! YES!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kasey, I'm so thankful that God has heard our prayers and you are receiving treatment. PRAISE GOD! I believe you WILL send this cancer into remission with your army of prayer warriors ever present. Have a safe trip tomarrow and remember you are in all our thoughts and prayers. Love...Trisha

Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard of the "Lemonade Diet?" I guess it is a form of fasting. The logic behind it is when our digestive system can be at rest, our body will then have the ability/needed energy to detoxify naturally. I have a friend whose uncle went on a fast for a month or more when he found out he had colon cancer. This has been many years ago, but now he is fine. I don't think he underwent any treatments either. I don't know the guy personally, but I figure I should make you aware of it. I know it sounds crazy, but my friend has now done it twice for 10 days each and swears by it. Try to google lemonade diet or fasting.