Tuesday, October 10, 2006

M.D.A.---Day one

We made it! We love M.D. Anderson! We met with Dr. Green our oncologist and we are IMPRESSED with her! I just loved her. We are under great care here. I found out today that I am at Stage 3 (out of 4). There does seem to be lymph node involvement. The cancer is also Estrogen positive and Her2NEU negative. This means the cancer is feeding off of estrogen, so I will probably have my ovaries removed. They are going to do some genetic testing for a “gene mutation” and if they find it, will remove my ovaries to also reduce the risk of Ovarian cancer. One other thing I love here is that my case will be reviewed by all the other Doctors here (23 of them) with Dr. Green. They are some of the best Oncologists in the country. The nurses and staff here are great! VERY helpful and friendly. We talked some today about my treatment plan and it looks like I will have 6 months on Chemotherapy. The good news is that it will be only one day every 3 weeks for 3 months, then once a week for 3 months. We are going to be able to come here, have my treatments and then go home. If I can, I may do the every week part of it more local. Then surgery will be done here. We will be making our appointments to meet with the surgeon and plastic surgeon soon. After all this, I will have 6 weeks of radiation that will need to be done here. That will be around the beginning of the summer.
We also had a long talk with a Research Nurse (Reuben) whose wife went through this a few years ago. They took some blood to be used in a study.
Well, I better get off of here and get some sleep! I’ve been up since 3:30 this morning and have to be back at MDA at 6:30 a.m. Here’s hoping I don’t throw up the barium before my CT scan! LOL!
THANK YOU for all the emails and comments! They really help keep my spirits up!


Anonymous said...

Dear Kasey & Kevin,

Sounds like you've both had a very full day! It's great that you had such a good first impression of everyone, too! We will be praying for you daily. Psalm 91:11

Love in Christ,

The Gilfillan Family

Anonymous said...

Hi Kasey,

Sounds like a very busy day..I pray you are blessed with peaceful rest and awake each morn restored.

Thank you for your thoughtfulness in keeping friends and family informed.


Anonymous said...

Wow! You all had quite a busy day. So glad that you have positive feelings about your doctor and the facility itself.
It sounds like an amazing place! Good luck today! We will be thinking of you. =)


Anonymous said...

Kasey, I am so glad to hear that you like your doctor and MD Anderson. Sounds like you are at the right place and will be well taken care of!! Good luck today. Love, Mona Gayle

Anonymous said...

Dearest Kasey
Wow you have done so much in so little time!! I hope the barium stays down! We miss you already and are in our thoughts and prayers always!

Love and Hugs!
Marci and Lauren

Anonymous said...

Yes, alot of info on your first day. I can't get enough. Hope your second day is productive too.
A good relationship with your doctors is so important and I'm happy you got hooked up with MD Anderson so early in your recovery.
Love Dad

Anonymous said...

Hey Kase,

Things are going pretty good around here. Everyone is home from school and watching the Fairly Odd Parents/Spongebob lol. Larson and Raisa are doing good, but missing you like crazy like the rest of us. We're all thinking about you. Hang in there!
Love ya lots,

Anonymous said...

The First Grade class of H.N. is thinking of you and praying for you everyday!

Anonymous said...


you are such a bright person, i love your positive attitude and feel so blessed to have known you for so long!! keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

love ,

Anonymous said...

hi, kasey
I'm glad to hear things are going well. Hang in their, things are going to be all right.Always remember tomorrow is another day. It really is comforting to know that so many people care and are praying for you, I gained a lot of strength from that when I went through cancer. When things get rough just remember that people are thinking of you and praying. Were thinking of you too Kevin and your family because this is hard for all of you but you're in a place where their are excellent doctors and facilities and the latest of technology. I'm glad you could go their. Anyway I overslept today and I'm getting ready for work, I will check again tomorrow to see how you are.Is their anything we can do to help you guys? Is Michelle needing help with anything? let us know. Love you both, Enjoy Houston, I've never been their but I've heard it's nice. Jackie