Saturday, December 02, 2006


HI! We had a great visit with my oncologist Friday! She was excited to show me on my blood test that my tumor markers (CA Antigen 27.29) which records cancer activity had WENT DONW 30%!!!!!!!!!!! She was thrilled with that as she said she normally doesn't even see them drop let alone SO MUCH after just the first chemo. What great news! Looks like this chemo combo is working! She was very optomistic about being able to talk to the bone marrow tranplant team in Jan. or Feb. We will finsh off 6-8 months of chemo first.
Thurday I went to surgery and had my port put in and that all went great! They put a patch behind my ear so I wouldn't get sick from the anthetheia. I never did (unlike at crmc haha!) Friday, chemo went great, got to order lunch there. They really make you so comfortable. Just for kicks here are a few photos Kevin took for you viewing enjoyment! LOL!


Anonymous said...

Way to go Kasey! Mister Cancer didn't know what he was getting himself into when he tried to take on you.
Thanks for the good news.
Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

That's just AWESOME news, Kasey! We are so happy to hear your great news! Thanks for the pics! Kevin did a GREAT job! =) Take it easy and have a safe trip home.


Anonymous said...

Thank you God for hearing our prayers! Kasey, I'm so happy to hear your news, and thankful your trip went well. Hang in there. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you. Love and payers, Trisha

Anonymous said...

Go Kasey, Go Kasey!!! You couldn't see me but I was actually dancing while chanting! You are right, you are healed!

Debo Blue said...

Hi, I've been lurking around some time and just had to respond to your good news! Forgive the intrusion but thank God for His healing powers. Like the hat too!

Anonymous said...

God is truely on this journey with you...I saw His presence reflecting through your smile...your spiritually vivacious smile..the background props in the pics spoke to my senses...your smile..speaks to my soul. God is with you...keep smiling!

Anonymous said...

Bless you for letting us all know how things are going. I know many of us don't want to intrude on your life because we know you would be getting more calls than you could answer. Seeing you looking so good and fighting the fight is food for our souls. And the hat looks great !!
Carol P.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news! Just more proof that God is hearing and listening to all of us!


Anonymous said...

I just got a chance to catch up with your news. So wonderful. Way to show them what you are made of!
In your pic you are just beautiful,
your smile is contagious, and you are glowing!

Anonymous said...

You don't know me. I'm married to Tim Blevins who used to live in Coffeyville. Claremore, now. I just had to say first that we've been praying for you and your family. You are such an inspiration. I have to say that I'm thirlled to read that your blood work came back good news. Keep the faith. It, along with your chemo will bring good things to your life. God speed!
Erin and Tim Blevins

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! for your healing!! You look beautiful in your pictures! I am so thrilled, you amaze me!

Anonymous said...

I too have been waiting and praying for this turn of events, what wonderful news! I think of you everyday and ask for healing upon you! You have my word I will continue to fight this fight! Prayers do work and God gives us so much! Hang in there, I hope your feeling well today and Merry Christmas!
Peace and Prayers to you and your family!

Trudy, Jim, Skylar, Taylor & Especially Hunter Wright!

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear the great news. That cancer just doesnt know who its messing with! Keep up the fight and the hang in there. Also, you looked really cute in that hat!
Take Care my thoughts and prayers are with ya!

Anonymous said...

that was the best news i've heard. With Your positive attitude and your faith makes a great combination. Love the hat too. Miss you lots. Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey! Just takin' a break from class and thought I would check up on your blog. It's so good to hear how well you are doing :). You looked great Sunday morning at church. Nice pics btw lol. I'll talk to ya sometime soon.
Love ya!