Saturday, December 23, 2006

Chemo-Round 3

I am about 1/3 of the way through these chemo treatments! YA! I had another 25% drop in my tumor markers so we are excited again about that!
I do need to get on a little soapbox for a moment, so please forgive me. I have tried not to bad mouth Coffeyville health care too much, even after all they have done wrong to me, BUT all I needed done was to have blood drawn for my counts before I flew to Houston, that way I can make sure my counts are fine to do chemo. They also drew my tumor markers. They had to send that report off and the next day I get a call from the nurse that they came back and were at 15! She was excited and expected me to be also. Normal tumor markers are 35 and under. This would indicate I have NO cancer activity in my body. I kept repeating back the test that was done (CA Antigen 27.29) and she kept saying YES, that's the one! This is the reason we had to get out of Coffeyville for treatment. Things like this. I can't even have them draw my blood with out second guessing them! Needless to say, the test was wrong. I am almost feeling like it is going to be my person quest to tell everyone being treated around here to make sure you get second opinions OUTSIDE of Coffeyville. I won't get into everything else they did wrong (like telling me twice in 2005 that I did NOT have cancer!!). It's just scary the errors they make here and I know I am not the only one that falls through there cracks. OK, off my soapbox!

Chemo number 3 is going great! We didn't get home until around midnight, so I slept in today and am feeling great! Tonight the kids and I are going to bake some cookies for Santa, some fudge and gingerbread. YUM! I can't believe Christmas is here already! What a great time!


Anonymous said...

Great news Kasey, a gift that doesn't need ribbons and bows.
Merry Christmas to you, Kevin, Raisa, Larson, Grady and all the people who have posted their thoughtful and encouraging comments on this blog. I love you all.
One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas day. Don't clean it up too quickly.
Andy Rooney

Anonymous said...

This was again great news.
Merry Christmas to You, Kevin, Raisa, Larson. And to Grady and Sami.
Larson and Raisa I know you've been good all year. Enjoy tomorrow.Love and miss you all. Mom

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news! So glad to hear that the tumor markers went down AGAIN! We will continue to pray for more good results. You are such a fighter, Kasey! You go girl!!! =) Hope that Christmas day was a warm and relaxing one. I love the quote that your dad posted about the mess on the floor on Christmas morning! =) I have always thought that was a fun sight as well, wrapping paper thrown all over the place, toys scattered here and there. I love taking before and after pictures of Christmas morning. HA HA!

Anyway, you take care! May God continue to bless you! Hope to see you @ Casino Night! =)


Anonymous said...

So glad you're doing so well with your treatments. You look amazing! I know your attitude has a lot to do with how well your body is responding! I haven't checked this out since before the Christmas rush. Those wedding pictures are great! Raisa looks like an angel princess, and Larson is pretty darn cute, too. I bet he couldn't wait to get out of the "monkey suit"! Hope to see you guys Sunday night! BTW, don't know about sugar cookies, but my mom makes an awesome low carb cheesecake with Splenda and a pecan crust if you're interested... Tiffany

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you have had such a bad time here at the hospital...that makes me very sad. I hope one day you get the opportunity to sit down and visit with Mr M one on one.

Glad you are doing so well, you look great!!!
Melissa H