Wednesday, December 20, 2006


It's almost here! We want to wish each and every one of you a VERY Merry Christmas! You are all so special to us. This tough time has been made easier by all the kind thoughts and prayers. It is nice to know that we have such a great support system around us!!!
I am still feeling great! I've been a little tired this week, but nothing I couldn't handle. I got my Christmas shopping finished up (now just to get it all wrapped LOL!). I even had several photo shoots this week! I will post some photos from those on my business blog ( when I get them proofed. I have gotten several emails from people about the link to My Journey not on the other blog anymore. I did remove it, but you can still click on my photo to access it. I want to keep my business blog seperate from my personal blog. Personal updates on me will only be posted here.
We go back to Houston Friday, just for the day, for Chemo Round 3 (out of about 10). I am about 1/3 of the way through! YA! I am taking my MIL with me this time. She has never been on a plane before, so it will be her first trip!
I hope you all have the best Christmas! Just don't forget the real meaning of the Christmas Season!

~Kasey, Kevin, Raisa and Larson


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful picture of your children! It truly captures their joyous personalities! Good luck on your trip Friday, as always you will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kasey...What a Beautiful picture of your children!!! I just wanted to let you know that I will be thinking of you Friday! Mona Gayle

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kasey
Great post and picture of the kids.
Have a good flight tomorrow and and and a smooth session at MDA.
You'll be on my mind all day.
Will talk to you when you get back.
Love Dad

Anonymous said...

Hi Kasey,
...thank you for sharing such a captivating picture of your beautiful children. My prayers go with you.
...Best Wishes for a joyous Christmas celebration for you and your family.
Love Karen