Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!!!

Wishing all of you a Happy and Blessed New Year!
To those of you whom we saw at Casino Night--I love you all! I didn't realize how many of you follow this blog! THANK YOU! (And yes, Missy, those were mighty fine Margaritas weren't they ;) lol!)
It sure was nice having a whole week off of work! Now, to get back into a routine! Usually I am ready for the kids to get back into school, but it has been nice having them here this week. We just messed around most of the week, hit a few after Christmas sales. Raisa had her annual New Years Eve party last night with her friends. I finally told them at 5:oo a.m. to get to bed! HAHA, they were having lots of fun though! Thanks Brit for being a great babysitter!
I have been feeling so great! We don't go back to Houston until next week. We will be flying out on Tuesday, Jan. 9 as we have an early appointment on the 10th. We won't be back until Saturday, Jan. 13, because Chemo isn't scheduled until 5:00 Friday evening. I will have new CT and MRI scans that week. I will keep you all posted!
First Peter 2:24
By His wounds, I AM Healed!


Anonymous said...

It was so good to see you and Kevin at Casino night last night. I also thought those frozen margartitas were mighty tasty! LOL! We had a GREAT time. Glad to win that 150 pounds of dog food...with our 6 dogs it will come in handy! =) Now if we could only score some free cat food for our 5 cats, some hay and feed for the horse and some hamster food, we'd be set! HA HA!

We have really enjoyed seeing our proofs! You took some wonderful shots AGAIN! Will get our order in to you soon.

Sounds like Raisa and her friends must have had themselves quite a time, being up until 5 am! Bet they will all be tired today. Ours made it up until midnight, and then Lauren got back up at 2:00'd THINK they'd be tired, but so far they still seem to be going strong. Unlike Tom and I, who are ready for a nice afternoon nap. =)

Happy New Year to you the family! May God bless you all in this New Year!


Anonymous said...

It was so good to see you guys out and about on New Years Eve!! Ditto on the margs!! You look absolutely wonderful and I am sooooo glad that you feel just as well!!

Great news on the tumor markers, and they WILL keep going down!!


Anonymous said...

Okay, I must admit, I became slightly addicted to the Margaritas...:) Kasey you look so great, I am so happy things are going well. Prayers make miracles happen and we pray daily for you.

Love ya,
Melissa H