Thursday, January 11, 2007


As for the good news, tumor markers went down 36% more these last 3 weeks!!!!!!!!
We are still awaiting reports from the CT scans and the MRI, but going by the tumor markers, we expect good news! Wireless internet has been hit and miss here, so I don't know if I will be able to post the results until we get home Saturday. We visit with my Oncologist and do round 4 of chemo tomorrow.

Now, for the prayers part. As soon as we got to Houston Tuesday I received a call that my Dad was taken to the ER and couldn't breathe. He has COPD (Chronic Obstuctive Pulmonary Disease)and emphysema. They transferred him to another hospital and have since had to sedate and intubate him. He will remain intubated under sedation for a couple of days and then they will try to awake him and remove the respirator to see if he can breathe on his own. Hard news to deal with right now. If the have to reintubate him, I will be going out there the first part of next week to be with him. Please say a prayer that he will be fine! He has been a GREAT support for me through my ordeal right now and it would be hard without him.
I love you Dad!


Anonymous said...

Rest assured that your Dad will also be in our prayers.

The Hills

Anonymous said...

Once again with your new results, our prayers for you are continued to be answered. Your Dad will also be in our prayers. Keep the faith that the power of prayer will be with him also.


Anonymous said...

Dear Kasey,
So good to hear of your continuing positive are creating your progress. I am so proud of you for the courageous and inspiring woman you are.
You and your Dad are in our prayers for speedy recovery.
Stay strong and positive...journey forward through faith in the POWER of a merciful GUIDE.


Debo Blue said...

You and yours continue to be in our prayers.

Happy New Year!

Kasey said...

Thank you all SO much! I love to be able to share my good news with all of you! And, thank you for the prayers for my Dad!!!