Friday, January 12, 2007

Dr. visist and Chemo round 4

Today I had an ultrasound of the breast and heard some awesome news! The "cancer mass" has been reduced 94%!!!!!!! YES! 94%! It is only 6% what it was 3 months ago. The radiolgist was thrilled as was my Oncologist. That coupled with the big drop in tumor markers we made a great choice with this chemo. The mri results were sort of inconclusive because they scanned me using a Tesla 3.0 instead of the 1.5 they scanned me with 3 months ago, so the machine was twice as strong. But it did not show any more involvement, so stable there (or if I would have been scanned on the same strength machine it probably would have shown improvement). We didn't get to get a copy of the CT scan as it had just been dictated, but our Dr. had listened to it and there has been NO SPREADING TO ORGANS! YA!!! We are going to redo the tests again in 6 weeks because it is unusual to have a mixed response to chemo. Bone marrow whould have shown improvement. It is the same type of cancer in the breast, just in another area. She thinks we just need to throw that test out because the one outward sign of the cancer (the breast) that they can see and feel has improved SOOOOOOO much and tumor markers are going down significantly. We know this chemo is working and that is what the radiologist stressed also. So we will do 2 more round of chemo for now. We will be assembling our transplant team for the bone marrow transplant within the next 3 weeks and will get to meet and talk to them in either 3 or 6 weeks. Or Oncologist feels good about having me do it. I was having some concerns just with how severe it is. It would be a tough 100 days! But then, I am tough! I may also get to be enrolled in a clinical trial for a new drug. Will know more about that later.
I hope this is making sense! Forgive any typos, I don't feel like going back correcting them haha!

My Dad is still in the hosital intubated, sedated and now restrained. He keeps building up a resistance to the antethesia they are giving him to sedate him, so he keeps waking up and when he wakes up he is agitaed and tries to rip out the ventilators and IV's. He just doesn't understand what is going on yet. My dad has an iron will like mine. He knows what he wants and it isn't sitting in a hospital bed with tubes coming out of you. That's why they are having to keep him sedated. I am just ready for him to wake up, breathe on his own and hear my good news!

We are going to be stuck here in Houston for a few days because of the ice in Tulsa. All flights tonight have been cancelled and we are assuming the ones for tomorrow will be also. I may trade my ticket in to one to L.A. to be with my Dad. I don't know. I don't know. I just want that call from my Mom or Mark that he woke up, they took the ventilator out and he is breathing fine. You never know when the last time will be you get to talk to someone. I talked to him Monday night and he gave me a pep talk about the week we were going to have in Houston. I promised to call him right after the first test. He also emails me every day. I have missed his emails. I don't think he knew how much our talks have meant to me these last few months. I still need him! Dad, you better get well and read this post! I love you!!!



Anonymous said...


What AWESOME news! We are so happy to hear that this treatment plan is working so well!

I am sorry to hear about your Dad. It must be difficult to be missing his emails and pep talks and encouragement right now. We will continue to send up prayers for him as well, that he will wake up soon and that you will be able to share your most wonderful news with him!

Hope the weather there is much nicer than it is here! If you enjoy slick roads and raining ice pellets, then southeast Kansas is the place to be right now! HA HA! Hopefully this weather will clear up sooner than expected so that you can get back home. Rather you fly back home or out to LA, we hope you have a safe trip!

Congrats again on the good news, and thanks so much for sharing!

May God continue to bless you and heal you!



Kasey said...

Thank you so much for all the encouragement and prayers Angie! They really mean ALOT to me!!!