Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Insurance Approval!

Our insurance company has FINALLY approved the stem cell transpant! We received final approval yesterday. They declined it first go around, but we, along with M.D. Anderson and Acme/Magic Circle appealed it and won! They are wanting me to meet back with my transplant Doctor (Dr. Ueno--pronounced Way-no) along with my Oncologist, Dr. Green next week in Houston. I will have to have the pre transplant tests done again (heart and lung tests). I passed these with flying colors a few months ago. Hopefully, they will be able to schedule them all next week when we are back in Houston. I love M.D. Anderson. I love how they handle everything for you. We will also start our search for an apartment to rent the 2 months we are down there. Hopefully, that won't be too hard! I have still been feeling good, just real tired. I am glad the weather has finally warmed up though! I have a bunch of new plants to get planted outside, if it would just stop raining now hahaha!
You all take care and Happy May Day!

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