Thursday, May 24, 2007

May 24

HELLLLLLOOOOOO! Sorry again for not posting lately! I haven't been on the computer much except for proofing. Things are going good here. Tumor markers are now down to 70.1! -----insert applause here------LOL! We still have no set date for the SCT (stem cell transplant) yet. I have been talking with the Nurses this week. They are in the process of getting things together. I will keep you all posted.
I can't believe school is out for the summer! Last September when I was diagnosed with cancer I wished the year would go fast as to get my through treatment. It sure has too. Now, I wish it would all slow down a bit! Today was a bittersweet day for me. It was my last day doing daycare. After 6 years of having great kids (and parents) coming to my house everyday it will feel strange and quiet around here. I planned a year ago to possibly quit in May of 2007 and do photography full time. I am just about booked now for the sessions I will be taking for the summer. I have had some real sweet sessions lately, but unfortunately don't have model releases to share, so I haven't been able to post them. I am needing to spend some time updating my photography website ( It has been about 1 1/2 years. I need to add more current photos. That just takes time, which was hard to find while doing daycare.
We are finally getting our downstairs bathroom redone. The tile in the shower is looking awesome. I love it. Now, I want to redo the upstairs like it! Those kind of projects just never end, do they?
Just a little note to also let you all know that little Daric is home and doing good! He did have to go to OKC after getting home from Alabama to have some fluid removed from his lung, but is doing good now. (I hope you don't mind me posting this MonaGayle, I just know many people were praying for him)
If I don't post much in the next week or so, I will just be busy! Swim practice starts next Tuesday and next Wednesday is Larson's first t-ball game. I am also hoping to have a garage sale soon, if I could just get in gear to get everything organized for it. I may work on that this weekend if it doesn't rain. Awwww, the list of things to do just keeps getting bigger and bigger (and I still haven't planted my new bushes out front yet!).
Until next time,

PS--I am not going to go back and check for typos and grammer so if it bothers you, just close your eyes LOLOLOL!


Anonymous said...

Well OK, being who I am I checked for typos and grammer and your present post past performance perfectly.
Sounds like another busy summer shaping up.
Have fun.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kasey....just saying hi and also wanted to say thanks to everyone who reads your blog that just might have said a special prayer for my little Daric---he is home and recovering well. Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy your summer and I am sure it won't be long before I think that we just have to come see Kasey and get more pics!!!!!

Love, Mona Gayle

Kasey said...

Hi Dad!

I know about the power of prayers in multitudes. It is awesome. I am so happy Daric is doing good!I know he had many prayers going his way! I will email you soon!