Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Off to Houston

Just a quick note to let everyone know that we are leaving for Houston again on Wednesday afternoon. I have scans all day Thursday and we are meeting with my transplant Doctor and Oncologist Friday. I have had several people asking me about the stem cell transplant. It is called an "autologous stem cell transplant ". It is basically the same as a bone marrow transplant, except they will be taking my stem cells from the blood instead of the marrow. I will be on medication several days prior to the "harvesting or rescuing" of my stem cells that will push the stem cells out of the marrow into the bloodstream. Then, they will collect them, smack me with an extremely high dose of chemo that will kill all the cells and marrow in me. Then, they will "transplant" my own stem cells back into me. Then I wait in the hospital while my body recouperates and starts to rebuilt the red and white blood cells. I vaguely remember them also talking about whole body radiation also, right before or after the chemo. We will find out more this week. I hope that darn weather cooperates and we get to leave on time. I think our flight is at 7:30 tomorrow evening or somewhere around that. We will be home Saturday. I want to send out a special prayer to my little friend, Daric Voss, who is 4, and just had open heart surgery yesterday in Alabama. May God look after him and comfort him and his parents (you and your family are so special MonaGayle--I just love you all!!). Take care and I will post again this weekend or before with our scan results and any new info!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kasey,
Have a safe trip.

"May the sun shine, all day long,
everything go right, and nothing wrong.
May those you love bring love back to you,
and may all the wishes you wish come true!"


Anonymous said...

Not to worry if you have a weather delay, my angels will still be in Houston waiting for you whenever you arrive.
Stay in touch and keep us all up to date.
Hi to Kevin
I love you

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
Albert Einstein