Saturday, January 12, 2008

My Girl....and a thank you!

Here is my girl.......who actually wanted me to take some photos of her! I was messing around with a new Orchid backdrop I just got. Isn't it puuuuurdy! I have several one year olds coming for sessions this month and I think it will soon become a favorite of mine!

Actually, we used this photo to make up her Valentine cards! Here it is, along with another one of her best friend.

I am going back to work this week and am SO looking foreward to it! I will still post on this blog, however, I am trying to get my life back to normal now and not think of "cancer" too often. So, since we won't be going for any new scans or anything for 3 months and I am feeling GREAT, there won't be many medical updates. I want to thank everyone so much for all the support!!!!!!!!!!! Your prayers and thoughts have brought me to tears many times! They will NEVER be forgotten. I am such a different person now because of it. I am very blessed!



Anonymous said...

-and thanks for sharing your journey. It's been quite a ride.
That beautiful girl looks just like my granddaughter.

Raisa said...

I love you mommy!! Thank you!!!