Thursday, January 10, 2008


PET/CT scan-----No evidence of active cancer!
Nuclear Bone Scan-----No evidence of active cancer!
Chest XRay----Negative!

All scans still clear!

Dr. Ueno was real pleased how everything is going. My blood counts are still a tad low, but the Neutrophil Absolute Count is looking good. White count is still down a bit at 3.2.

Tumor markers are down to 44!!!! (Remember what I started with a year ago!) Normal is 35, but the Dr. said they are usually the last thing to creep down and they are still headed in the right direction.

So, we had a VERY good and short visit. I don't have to go back for 3 months. I will go back every 3 months for 2 years, then every 6 months for 2 years, then yearly (and boy am I looking foreward to that!). I am going to have my central line taken out here tomorrow. I will probably have a power port put in later in the Spring (they can do blood draws and infusions through this), however, my Dr. is trying to talk me out of it, so that is up in the air.

That all for now! Thanks for reading and sharing in my good news (and for the prayers)!



Anonymous said...


Love, Mona Gayle

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear your great news!
Love, The Kirk family

Anonymous said...

You just made my otherwise pretty uneventful day completely awesome. You guys deserve it!!!!

Love Julie

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


I have a friend who is going to Houston to talk to Dr. Ueno about getting a stem cell transplant. He has metastatic kidney cancer which has spread to his lungs. I was wonder if you couldn't give him some words of encouragement and let him know a little bit about what to expect. I think he is pretty down about the whole thing. If you could email him that would be great. thanks

Mike's email: