Monday, January 07, 2008

Off to Houston!

We leave for Houston tonight (not sure exactly what time our flight is--maybe around 7:30?). I can't believe it has been 2 months already! I will have scans on Tuesday, but we won't know results until Wednesday when we meet with my Doctor. We will fly home Wednesday night. I will post either Wednesday night or Thurday how it all went! Please keep us in your prayers!
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are a few snapshots from Christmas of the kids, Kevin and I and also a couple of Raisa's New Years Eve Party. Talk with you all soon!


Anonymous said...

I'll be thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. Have a safe trip.Great pictures!!


Anonymous said...

Have a good trip: the #8 is your favorite number? Well...scans to be done on Tuesday.."#8"! day of January in the year "2008"..GREAT results coming your way.


Anonymous said...

Cute Cute Cute Pics!!!!! Thinking of you! Mona Gayle

Anonymous said...

Expecting nothing but the best.
Thanks for the pics.

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures! It's always good to see YOU in them, the photographer herself! I know they'll want to keep you in Houston to "show you off" as the model patient, the one to "beat the odds", but they can't have you-- We need you back! Can't wait to hear your good news.
Love and prayers,