Wednesday, October 10, 2007

CT Scan Results (Day +7)

The CT scan report indicated an area of thickening in the bowel wall in one area. This is causing the pain. The team said this is another common side-effect of the chemo, and not to worry. They told her to not eat or drink for the next couple of days to keep the inflammation down. She is getting plenty through her IV. They want her to lay low and stay comfortable, and in a couple of days, her white counts will start to come up. When the counts start to go up, her body can begin to repair these irritated areas, and overall she will begin to feel better.

Kasey's fever spiked up last night to 104 degrees, but they quickly got it under control. She feels a little better today, just really tired. She asked the doctor when she can get out of here (and I immediately thought to myself: "That's my Kasey!!"). After the doctor chuckled a bit, he said to get through the next few days, then we can start thinking about that. He said she will be in here at least until early next week.

Kasey says hello to everyone, and thanks for the thoughts, prayers and posts.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the quick updates Kevin and the phone calls too. Your info has always right on and reassuring.
Tell Kasey she's in my thoughts every minute.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kasey and Kevin!
Kasey, you are such a trooper. Hang in there. We are thinking and praying for this to go by fast for you. I have not watched any play rehearsals, but if I know the girls, it'll be great.

See you guys soon.

Anonymous said...

You are fighting the battle of a lifetime and we are your prayer warriors!! There isnt a day that goes by that we dont pray for you or think of you! I hope that brings you peace and comfort!

I hope you are feeling stronger every minute.

Sending our love,


businessspex said...

We love you two. I'm glad we can keep up on what is going on down there regularly. And remember we're keeping an eye on those two great kids up here.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kasey and Kevin,
Just want you to know not a day goes by that I don't say a prayer for your family. I'm here if you need me for anything.

Greg and Debbie