Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tuesday, Day +20

Hellllllllloooooooooo! I am finally feeling well enough to post (and put up with this hit and miss wi-fi). All is going as planned, just a bit slower than planned. I am waiting for my Doctor to come in today to see if we are still on for getting out tomorrow. I HOPE!! Tomorrow will be the 4 week mark for me being in the hospital. Blah. My white count is now up to 1.1 and my neutrophil absolute count (which is one the Doctor's like to watch) is at .74, which is good. There has been a definite upward trend. I received platelets yesterday and broke out in hives from that, but was fine after a dose of Benedryl.

The Doctor was just in........................I GET OUT TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YA!
I am so happy! Now, this just means I get released from the hospital, not from Houston. We will meet with my stem cell Doctor soon after release to discuss how many more weeks to stay in Houston. I am still going to do everything I can to get back in time for the play. I am still aprehensive about being around others, just due to germs. I am so ready to get back to Coffeyville. I am receiving blood right now, hopefully, this will be the last of that too!

I want to thank some of you for the great emails telling me about my kids! I hope you don't mind me sharing!
Here is one:
Kasey & Kevin,
I just had to share a "sweet moment" with you. After lunch at school the other day, Courtney was prayer leader. Her request for prayer was for "Kasey Hoggatt". I was standing at Larson and Kyle's table. I glanced Larson's direction to see his reaction and he caught my eye with the biggest grin on his face!

Thank you for the posts on my blog telling me about them too! I miss them!!!

Thanks it for now. I think I will order me some room service and start getting things ready to leave here tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you and your family! Thank you God! One of the first things I do every morning is to look for updates, it has been a true blessing to me to pray and watch God work! May he continue to heal you and may you get back to your family soon!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Kasey and Kevin:
Please dont type backwards anymore, it hurts my eyes and brain LOL!!

I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! God is so wonderful and doing great things in your healing! Your faith is phenominal and you give me strength and faith, I have learned so much from you both! YOu are both a blessing!

Continually praying for you!
