Friday, October 05, 2007

Friday, Oct. 5th (Day +2)

Things are going OK for Kasey. She gets tired easily, as her counts are slowly going down. But this is all expected, and everything is normal for being just two days after transplant.

She gets out of her room 2-3 times a day to go walking around her floor. When she leaves the room, she has to wear a gown, mask, and gloves. Whenever anyone enters her room, they must wear them also. Fortunately, I do not have to. (I am glad of that!!). I guess the husband gets special privileges.

Not much else to report, and at this point, no news is good news.

I do want to say hey to everyone at Magic.

Thanks for the continued thoughts and prayers.



Anonymous said...

Hi Kevin & Kasey,
Just thought I'd give everyone a little update on the kids.
They are doing so good. They both miss you like crazy but are so strong.
Raisa's play practice is getting really serious now.They practice from 6:30 till 9:00 at least four nights a week. She goes around the house singing little songs all the time. I know she is going to be just as wonderful in this play as all the ones in the past. She is so busy with school, homework, the play and don't forget the cheerleading practice and cheering for games on Saturdays. Bless her heart, I don't see how she keeps up with it all, but she does!
Larson is doing fine, too. He is such a little character. He was my little cleaning partner today. (He said that's what momma calls it when he helps her clean house.) He is always willing to help me with anything around here, and he does a real good job, too! He and I, andGrandpa (Yes, he actually vaccumed the whole house today after I kind of shamed him into it- but hey, any way I can get him to help out. right?!). Anyway, to get back to my story, everyone's rooms were total disaster areas, including Larson's.
Raisa was at Heather's and Britt was at Patti's. I told Larson to get his room cleaned up and the girls would have to clean thiers when they got home. I was hunting dirty clothes in thier rooms so I could get all the laundry done, when Larson comes in to me and says "Those girl's rooms are always a mess, they should learn to keep them clean like mine always is". I said what did you say? He said "never mind.) When I got to his room, it was nice and clean. then I looked in the closet, everything was piled neatly on the fioor! but his room was clean!!
His soccer is going great. He kicked 3 goals at his game yesterday morning. He puts his heart and soul into his sports!
Another funny thing, Grandpa called after church and was at the races and wanted me to bring Larson out. I asked Larson if he wanted to go and he said no. I said "What! you love the races" He looked me straight in the eye and said "I already had to take a showeer before church and I don't want to have to take another one tonight after the races" now is that litle boy logic or what? Sorry this is so long, but I could go on and on with stories, but I won't.
Excuse any typo's, it's 6:00 a.m. and everyone knows i'm not a morning person at all!!!
Love you both,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the newsy post Shelly, I appreciate it. Gives me a little insight to what our grandkids are up to these days.
I'm happy that you and Don are there to take care of them.
Best regards

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post mom. And thanks again for all you are doing for us. We miss the kids SO much. Those two are quite the characters, huh? Honestly, if Raisa ever did clean her room without being told to, I would be really worried! And Larson, well, is it bath month again already?

Love you all!!!
