Monday, October 29, 2007

Monday, Oct. 29th

Platelet count today was 10...oops. But, Nurse Jill decided to wait until tomorrow to see what happens with the counts. If platelets go lower, Kasey will get platelets. If they stay the same or go up, she will probably wait one more day.

But, she says Kasey can more than likely come home for the weekend. She will load Kasey up on platelets before wo leave Houston. We will have to plane rides with low counts. So we should be back to see the play and the soccer game. We will probably drive home Thursday, and drive back to Houston on Sunday. We'll see how it all plays out.

Should know more tomorrow!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kasey & Kevin,
We'll pray for a safe drive home and back and production of platelets!!
Love and prayers,