Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday, Oct. 21st (Day +18)

White count at 0.5 (up from 0.4). Not much of a climb, but it is going the right way. Kasey is SO ready to get out of here!!! She's feeling good for the most part. She gets tired easily.

Most of all, she is worried about not getting back home in time to see "The Sound of Music", starring Miss Raisa Hoggatt. We also have not seen Larson play a soccer game yet (we hear he's pretty good). We are praying to get home by Nov. 3rd so we can see both. If Kasey ever goes AWOL, that will be the weekend it happens!!

eW yam evah ot kaens kcab taht dnekeew.



Anonymous said...

Kasey and Kevin,
Larson is an awesome soccer player! He has a mighty powerful kick and he's a very good sport! Abbie's says play practice is going well and it should be great, I can't wait to see it also, they've worked so hard! The only word I had trouble with was kabc, but got the rest right away. Hang in there Kasey, I feel a big jump in counts happening soon!
Love and prayers,

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys!

So good to hear the progress report..such good news!

Uoy evah emoc os raf..lla lliw eb dniheb uoy noos..eb tneitap.eht tseb stluser fo siht yenruoj era no ruoy noziroh.

" One day at a time,sweet Jesus..that's all I'm asking of you..."....your counts are rising..each day is greater than the day before...soon..very soon, you will be ready to tackle the world again!


Anonymous said...

Hey Kevin,
That's the way I always type! (if I don't look at the keys).
Will see you soon! Love always!!! Mom

Anonymous said...

Wow, it didn't take me 10 minutes to figure out what was up with that last line *note the sarcasm* :-P ... all is good here. We miss you guys lots! Hang in there.
(-: ttriB

Anonymous said...

Oh, and tell Kasey to remember that she can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope.... in other words, she's going to be okay ;-).

Britt :-)