Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday Oct. 19th (Day +16)

Seems like day +942!!!

But, things are improving. Kasey's white counts are up to 0.4 (up from 0.2 the last two days). The pain in the abdomen is gone, the fever is gone, and she's on a soft food diet. The doctors are pleased, and said she may get out of here early next week.

Kasey is feeling and looking good. Yesterday her doctors cleared her to leave this floor, so we wandered around the hospital for awhile. Now that I know every square inch of this hospital, I had a few cool things to show her.

This hospital doesn't seem like a hospital at all. They offer valet parking. Patient and guest meals are are called "Room Service", and you order by phone anytime you want between 5:00 am - 9:30 pm. Meals are delivered by men in tuxedos.

The entire hospital is a Wi-Fi spot, but there are also areas that provide P.C.'s for patient and guest usage. One such place is called the "Cyber Center", with computers with internet access, printers, fax machines and copiers...just for patients and guests. You can also choose from about 1,000 movies (VHS or DVD) to borrow. (Patient rooms are equipped with VCR's or DVD players)

M.D. Anderson is comprised of two buildings, the "Main" building and the "Mays Clinic". They are about 3 city blocks apart, but are connected by climate-controlled overhead corridors. And if the walk is too far, they provide golf cart limos that will take you back and forth.

They have Chik-Fil-A and Starbucks, or at the cafeterias you can get BBQ, pizza, burgers and fries, soups and salads, sandwiches and sushi.

Well, we hope you all have a great weekend.

Thanks for all the support. Your thoughts, prayers and actions have made this part of Kasey's journey possible, through the grace of our Heavenly Father.



Anonymous said...

Yeah Kasey! Hang in there girl!


Anonymous said...

Kevin and Kasey,
Great post! I hope the frustration is starting to diminish. MDA sounds like a whole city itself! Always thinking of you.
Love and prayers your way,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the good news post Kevin. I hope you and Kasey can now enjoy some of the MDA amenities. Keep us up to date and you two have a great weekend.
Take care.

Shawn said...

Hang in there Kasey. You'll whip this cancer yet. You are one tough little cookie. Keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers.


Shawn said...

Hang in there Kasey. You'll whip this cancer yet. You are one tough little cookie. Keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers.
